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decision between custody and guardianship

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i live in the state of florida. i am currently trying to enlist in the military, but have been told that in order to enlist I have to give custody of my two children to someone else. i know nothing about custody laws in florida and what they entail. i can't really afford a lawyer at this time. what is the difference between giving up custody and giving guardianship? i really want to enlist in the military to make a better life for my children. help please!!!


Senior Member
And the children's other parent would be where?

Yes, someone has to have the legal right to take care of your children while you are enlisted.


VioletIce5 said:
i live in the state of florida. i am currently trying to enlist in the military, but have been told that in order to enlist I have to give custody of my two children to someone else. i know nothing about custody laws in florida and what they entail. i can't really afford a lawyer at this time. what is the difference between giving up custody and giving guardianship? i really want to enlist in the military to make a better life for my children. help please!!!
You might try doing a Power of Attorney for Minor Children, you can find the forms online, just make sure it's acceptable in your state.....


my daughter's father lives in maryland, but has had no contact with me or her since she was born. my son's father and I live together in florida.


is it necessary that i give up full custody, or is guardiahship enough? could i even just do a power of attorney?


VioletIce5 said:
is it necessary that i give up full custody, or is guardiahship enough? could i even just do a power of attorney?
My daughter in laws sister decided she didn't want her kids anymore, so she signed a Power of Attorney for Minor Children to my son & daughter-in-law which gives them authorization to seek medical care, enroll them in school, and just about anything else that requires parental permission. But before they did this they checked to make sure that their state would accept it.
If this is just a temporary thing of someone caring for your children while you go through training then I don't see why you need to do guardianship, and I definitely don't understand why you would have to give up custody. The Power of Attorney last only as long as you want it to.....but as I said make sure it will be legally accepted in your state.


I was told by my recruiter that a power of attorney is not good enough because it is just a piece of paper. Does anybody know what is acceptable?


VioletIce5 said:
I was told by my recruiter that a power of attorney is not good enough because it is just a piece of paper. Does anybody know what is acceptable?
The recruiter said that a power of attorney is not good enough because it is just a piece of paper! Does he think that custody and/or guardianship is enblazoned on stone tablets or a jet writes it across the sky or the documents are written of sheep skin?


VioletIce5 said:
I was told by my recruiter that a power of attorney is not good enough because it is just a piece of paper. Does anybody know what is acceptable?
I think you better listen to an attorney instead of the recruiter, it sounds like he's trying to get you to go where you don't need to go, know what I mean?
And I think BCB just answered your question...

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