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I did talk to a couple of attorney's just on the fone, and one of you got me thinking! The comment of us writing a letter B 4 an attorney is hired does seem silly. My husband is now ready to go for the "gusto" what-ever that may be, just for the "you slap us and we will slap back" Do not know if that get's us any-where? Just DO know that the injuries affected more than just a couple of weeks, and now that they have treated us like p__p it's time to turn around the favour. Just cuz I talked to "some" lawyer's does NOT mean I took any.
Someone made the comment that I went and saw an attorney...No, I (we haven't) Everyone seems to want this case and sez go for it! Then all we hear is the attorneys in this small town of Calif. don't do much for you. We either go with one or we go on our own, we Do feel like going on our own is not the right thing to do Now....but we don't want to rush into something either. I would just like to keep the case open till we HAVE to close it (one year after18 yr's old) Just to see, how many times does she go to the dr's???



I'm interested in the outcome and determination in your daughter's condition, but if I wasn't confused before, I certainly am now. Everything alright there?
[This message has been edited by 16952 (edited May 08, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by 16952 (edited May 08, 2000).]


Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jontue:
I did talk to a couple of attorney's just on the fone, and one of you got me thinking! The comment of us writing a letter B 4 an attorney is hired does seem silly. My husband is now ready to go for the "gusto" what-ever that may be, just for the "you slap us and we will slap back" Do not know if that get's us any-where? Just DO know that the injuries affected more than just a couple of weeks, and now that they have treated us like p__p it's time to turn around the favour. Just cuz I talked to "some" lawyer's does NOT mean I took any.
Someone made the comment that I went and saw an attorney...No, I (we haven't) Everyone seems to want this case and sez go for it! Then all we hear is the attorneys in this small town of Calif. don't do much for you. We either go with one or we go on our own, we Do feel like going on our own is not the right thing to do Now....but we don't want to rush into something either. I would just like to keep the case open till we HAVE to close it (one year after18 yr's old) Just to see, how many times does she go to the dr's???

Hey Jontue:

Are you okay? You seem to be a little less coherent than you have been in your previous posts. It's almost as if it's a different person doing the writing.

I'm sure it's only a matter of symantics, but you did say you "talked" with some lawyers, and it really doesn't matter if you spoke by phone, or in person.

However, on May 2, 2000, you said:

"We talked with a few lawyers today and one in particular was very helpful. She told us how to write the letter of demand and an acceptable dollar value that we should ask for. She then told us if they denied our plea she would take our case and go after the insurance carrier and their client. So I think we are in a forward motion now."

And now, on May 8, 2000, you are saying:

"Someone made the comment that I went and saw an attorney...No, I (we haven't)"

That's the "substance" of your post. Now, compare the "writing style" between the older post, and your current post. The style makes me wonder if you're okay? Is there something happening?

Please get back . . . I'm kinda concerned for you.


By reading the “Response” to your question or comment, you agree that: The opinions expressed herein by "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE" are designed to provide educational information only and are not intended to, nor do they, offer legal advice. Opinions expressed to you in this site are not intended to, nor does it, create an attorney-client relationship, nor does it constitute legal advice to any person reviewing such information. No electronic communication with "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE," on its own, will generate an attorney-client relationship, nor will it be considered an attorney-client privileged communication. You further agree that you will obtain your own attorney's advice and counsel for your questions responded to herein by "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE."

[This message has been edited by I AM ALWAYS LIABLE (edited May 08, 2000).]


If it appeared that I didn't care, I'm sorry. The accident was serious, despite no broken bones, etc. Injuries like that can take a while, and anyone other than someone close to the injured may see your daughter as normal. Please keep updating.

[This message has been edited by 16952 (edited May 08, 2000).]


So sorry that I have made you concerned for me. Thank you! Not many people over the Internet that you don't know would care. The other evening when I wrote that I had just had it up to here ^, and had a few beers(sorry). I just feel like there won't be any justice out there. Frustrated that a lawyer that was recommended to us wanted us to travel the 2 hours to see him that next day. My truck is in the shop, can't go till that comes back (it's costing a bundle)So I think that I am just feeling "over-whelmed".
How long will this all take?
Will it all be worth it?
Will it be a fair settlement?
Will we have to keep traveling the distance for appt's, court and whatever else that this will take?
Have we blown it by talking to "his" insurance co. too often?
So I do apologize, just over-whelmed with life in general right now. I know things will get better and mellow out, they always do.
Thanks again......


Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jontue:
So sorry that I have made you concerned for me. Thank you! Not many people over the Internet that you don't know would care. The other evening when I wrote that I had just had it up to here ^, and had a few beers(sorry). I just feel like there won't be any justice out there. Frustrated that a lawyer that was recommended to us wanted us to travel the 2 hours to see him that next day. My truck is in the shop, can't go till that comes back (it's costing a bundle)So I think that I am just feeling "over-whelmed".
How long will this all take?
Will it all be worth it?
Will it be a fair settlement?
Will we have to keep traveling the distance for appt's, court and whatever else that this will take?
Have we blown it by talking to "his" insurance co. too often?
So I do apologize, just over-whelmed with life in general right now. I know things will get better and mellow out, they always do.
Thanks again......

My response:

That's okay. I understand. I was just really amazed at the difference in the writing style, that I knew something was wrong.

Listen, my best suggestion, right now, is for you to not talk to anyone, and put this matter aside for about a month. There's no rush. You have time. Your daughter needs you, and really needs you to not be "overwhelmed." So, sit back, relax, and when your mind has cleared in a few weeks, then see an attorney more local to you.

Let us know how your consultation goes.

The best to you from us ("The Gang") at FreeAdvice.Com.


By reading the “Response” to your question or comment, you agree that: The opinions expressed herein by "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE" are designed to provide educational information only and are not intended to, nor do they, offer legal advice. Opinions expressed to you in this site are not intended to, nor does it, create an attorney-client relationship, nor does it constitute legal advice to any person reviewing such information. No electronic communication with "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE," on its own, will generate an attorney-client relationship, nor will it be considered an attorney-client privileged communication. You further agree that you will obtain your own attorney's advice and counsel for your questions responded to herein by "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE."



You are WONDERFUL. It may sound crazy but I feel like I have a friend in you. I love your idea, I think I will just kick back and deal with this when all my emotions get back in order.
Thanks again for what seems to be some very sincere "caring". And of course I will keep you updated afterall you got me over this hump and have taught me to shut my mouth (I won't even talk to the adjuster IF he calls).
Your new found friend,


Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jontue:
You are WONDERFUL. It may sound crazy but I feel like I have a friend in you. I love your idea, I think I will just kick back and deal with this when all my emotions get back in order.
Thanks again for what seems to be some very sincere "caring". And of course I will keep you updated afterall you got me over this hump and have taught me to shut my mouth (I won't even talk to the adjuster IF he calls).
Your new found friend,

My response:

There ya go !! We kinda like you around here too, Jontue. You're welcome anytime, and when you've got your "groove" back, you know where to reach us, and we'll be here for you.


By reading the “Response” to your question or comment, you agree that: The opinions expressed herein by "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE" are designed to provide educational information only and are not intended to, nor do they, offer legal advice. Opinions expressed to you in this site are not intended to, nor does it, create an attorney-client relationship, nor does it constitute legal advice to any person reviewing such information. No electronic communication with "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE," on its own, will generate an attorney-client relationship, nor will it be considered an attorney-client privileged communication. You further agree that you will obtain your own attorney's advice and counsel for your questions responded to herein by "I AM ALWAYS LIABLE."


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