I could elaborate with quick draw macgraw, huckleberry hound, and the silly dog that floated to the ceiling; but that would be showing my age.
However, so we don't get accused of straying from legal matters at hand, say quick draw, huck, and silly dog were riding down the right of way on a private lane, and decided to stop to pick daiseys. They parked along the side of the row, but ended up blocking a driveway. At the same time, bullwinkle, the owner of drive, AND the grantor of the easement, drove up expecting to pull up to his home, with his friends yogi and felix.
'Oh dear! We are blocked out of the drive' bullwinkle announced. 'Where can you find a flying squirrel when you need one?'
Meanwhile, felix the cat is excitedly urging bullwinkle to do something fast, because he has to get the the kitty box in the next few minutes, or else.
Bullwinkle takes a chance, attempting to maneuver around the vehicle of the daisy pickers and accidently and ever soooooo slightly dings quick draws vehicle. Is bullwinkle liable even though quick draw was parked on his private property; although row of way had been granted to quick draw for ingress and egress only, therefore quick draw was violating the language in the contract;......BUT ....BULLWINKLE DID HIT HIS CAR???
Aside from bullwinkle going in for a beer and calling ROCKY to complain of his run in with quick draw......how could this 'toon end legally?
HomeGuru, I know your dying to answer this.....