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does this sound like a good visitation schedule?

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Whyte Noise

Senior Member
7. Changes

The parents’ schedules and commitments may require occasional changes in the parenting time schedule. Parents shall attempt to agree on any changes, but the parent receiving a request for a change shall make the final decision on whether the change shall occur.

a. The parent making the request shall make such request in writing to the other parent;

b. The request for change shall be made no later than one week prior to the date of the requested change;

c. The parent receiving the request shall respond no later than 24 hours after receiving the requested change;

d. The response to the request may be made by phone;

e. Any parent requesting a change of schedule shall be responsible for any additional childcare or transportation costs resulting from the change.

f. Mother and Father shall cooperate to allow the children to meet their school and social commitments.

8. Telephone contacts:

When the children are with the Mother the children may telephone the Father, and the Father shall also telephone the children when the children are with the Mother. When the children are with the Father the children may telephone the Mother, and the Mother may also telephone the children when the children are with the Father. It is agreed that all such telephone calls will be made with reasonable frequency, be of a reasonable duration, and no calls will be initiated after 9:00 p.m.

B. Decision-Making Rights and Responsibilities

All reports and records shall be made available to the Mother.

All reports and records shall be made available to the Father.

Each parent shall be responsible for getting records and reports directly from service providers and each parent shall keep the other parent fully and promptly informed of the contact information for all service providers. “Service provider” shall include, but not be limited to, medical care providers, dental care providers, mental health care providers, and educational providers.

Either parent shall make decisions regarding day-to-day care and control of the children while the children are with that parent. Regardless of the decision-making responsibilities stated in this parenting plan, either parent may make emergency decisions affecting the healthy or safety of the children.

1. Decision Making

Each parent shall immediately provide written consent and approval to all service providers to release all records and information concerning the children to the other parent upon the other parent’s request.

Each parent shall list the other parent on all records of the child in the appropriate “Parent” sections and as an emergency contact. At NO time will a parent enter the name of a stepparent in the “Mother” or “Father” information.

Major decisions regarding the children shall be made between Mother and Father as follows:

Education: SHARED
Medical: SHARED
Dental: SHARED
Selection of Health Care Providers: SHARED
Extracurricular Activities: SHARED
Religious Upbringing: SHARED

Conflicts Clause: In the event the parties are unable to agree on any above major listed decisions, each party shall have final and superior decision-making rights regarding each decision-making area in their individual areas of residence.

Neither party shall schedule extracurricular activities in such a way to interfere with the other party’s parenting time without prior written consent from the parent whose parenting time will be affected.

C. Dispute Resolution

The parents should attempt to resolve any matters on which they disagree through mutual discussion. If that fails, the Parents shall attempt to resolve any matters on which they disagree or which involve interpreting the parenting plan through the following alternative dispute resolution process prior to any court action:

a. Mediation by a third-party professional mediator to be determined by the party requesting such mediation.
b. The cost of this process shall be allocated between the parties as determined in the dispute resolution process.
c. Notifying the other party by certified mail shall start the process.

D. Expenses of the Children

Father shall pay child support as follows: The Father shall pay to the Mother on the 15th day of each month, beginning June 2004, the sum of $187 per month for the parties minor child, K. Mother shall pay to the Father on the 15th day of each month, beginning June 2004, the sum of $188 per month for the parties minor children T and B. During any period in which each parent is entitled to support from the other parent for the minor child(ren) in his or her pri**** physical custody, the parent with the higher support obligation shall pay to the other parent on the 15th day of each month the net difference in each parent’s support amount. Payment is to be made directly to the parent entitled to support. The actual court order lists no child support being paid at all because the difference between the 2 Form 14's was only $1 a month

Each parent is responsible for obtaining health insurance for the child(ren) in his or her pri**** physical custody and is solely responsible for any insurance premiums owed in such policy.

Expenses not included in the stated child support shall be paid as follows:

Medical including co-pays**
Mother - 50%
Father - 50%

Mother - 50%
Father - 50%

Mother - 50%
Father - 50%

Mother - 50%
Father - 50%

Other Health
Mother - 50%
Father - 50%

Mother - 50%
Father - 50%

Extraordinary Expenses
Mother - 50%
Father - 50%

Extracurricular Activities
Mother - 50%
Father - 50%

**Medical and dental expenses shall NOT include elective or solely cosmetic medical and dental procedures. The cost of elective or solely cosmetic medical or dental expenses shall be the sole responsibility of the parent obtaining or requesting such procedure.

The parent taking the child to any scheduled appointments or emergency services shall submit to the other parent, within thirty (30) days after the treatment and in writing, the proportionate part of the other parent’s non-covered medical expense obligation. That parent then has thirty (30) days to pay their court ordered portion of the bill incurred or they shall be in contempt of court.

E. Dependency Exemption

Father shall be entitled to claim the minor children B and T as his dependents on his Federal and State Income Tax Returns and to claim the accompanying deduction and tax credits for the minor children. Mother shall be entitled to claim the minor child K as her dependent on her Federal and State Income Tax Returns and to claim the accompanying deductions and tax credits for the minor child. Each party shall, no later than January 31st of each year, execute and deliver to the other party all necessary waivers and other documents necessary to accomplish the purpose of this provision, including but not limited to IRS Form 8332.

Whyte Noise

Senior Member
F. Special Provisions

1. That it is expressly understood the enumerated times each Parent shall be with, and responsible for care of said children are NOT subject to modifications by mutual agreement unless in writing, dated, signed and witnessed, and each Parent shall retain a copy.

2. Should valid reason occur, such that one Parent is not able to exercise his/her entire parenting/vacation time or custodial period with said children, make-up time shall be allowed and agreed upon in writing, should the Parent request said reduction and make-up time in writing.

3. That each party shall NOT deny ANY child parenting time with the other Parent because that child or both children are busy, not available, are being punished, are suffering an illness, or refuse to go on the scheduled parenting time or custodial period. The receiving Parent shall have the OPTION of verifying the illness of said child in person or by telephone, and shall have the option of caring for said sick child unless said sick children are under the care of a physician for serious illness, or are taking prescription medication for serious illness. Parent shall provide telephone numbers for contacting the physician currently caring for said sick child, or produce proof that said children are taking prescription medication, for verification of illness. Make up time in whole or part shall be provided to said Parent should said Parent be unable to exercise the Court ordered parenting time or custodial period.

4. he Mother and Father are enjoined from interfering in any way with the other parent’s Court Ordered parenting time or custodial period, and from interfering with the legal access of said Parent or Stepparent to said children.

5. That the Mother and Father shall not in any manner, or for any reason
whatsoever, suggest or demand that the other party shall not exercise all or a partial portion of his/her court ordered parenting time or custodial period with said children.

6. That neither party shall refuse to surrender said children to the other party or designated responsible adult promptly at the beginning of each of the party’s parenting time or custodial period.

7. That the Stepparents of said children shall have the right to transport said children for parenting times and custodial periods, school, activities or trips, or to provide any other transportation required in the parenting and custodial care of said children. That Stepparents shall have the right to share information with any school official or other authority or agency, physician, counselor, psychiatrist/psychologist, health care professional, activity supervisor, friend, relative or any other person concerned with the health and well-being of said children for the purposes of providing said children with proper care and supervision. That Stepparents shall have the right to seek regular and emergency medical care for said children under the guidelines of this Order, and to consent to such care should the need arise, and a custodial Parent is not available to consent to such care. The Stepparents shall have the right to touch, hold and carry, dress, feed, bathe, make purchases for, administer necessary medications to, and discipline said children within the guidelines of this Order, with the implied consent of the Parent residing in that home. That Stepparents shall have the right to receive telephonic and written communication from said children without interference from any person.

8. Each party will specifically recognize that their respective powers and responsibilities of joint legal custody will not be exercised for the purposes of frustrating, denying, or controlling in any manner the social development of the other Parent. The Parents shall exert their best efforts to work cooperatively in future plans of the children, consistent with the BEST INTERESTS of said children, and amicably resolving disputes as they may arise.

9. Pursuant to RSMo 452.425, the local Sheriff or other Law Enforcement Officer shall enforce custody or visitation orders as listed in this Parenting Plan and incorporated into the Custody Order.

10. The Parents are restrained and enjoined from encouraging or engaging ANY other person to harass, annoy, strike with hand or object, threaten, assault, verbally abuse or molest the other Parent or Stepparent, in an attempt to alarm, coerce, anger, or frighten either party in any manner or at any time whatsoever. The Parents shall not make negative statements about the other Parent or Stepparent in the presence of said children, and shall not allow ANY other person to make negative statements about the other Parent or Stepparent in the presence of said children. The Parents shall not use said children or any other person except a designated messenger, to deliver any messages to the other party. The Parents will not coerce said children into false and negative beliefs about, negative or abusive behavior toward, or attempt to alienate said children from, Parent or Stepparent, and shall not attempt to foster a lack of love or care for the other Parent or Stepparent in any way.

11. Each parent shall notify the other parent within three (3) days of any change of telephone numbers for their place of residence.

12. The parents realize that the children may want to participate in extracurricular activities as they grow older. The parent’s agree that neither shall enroll the children in such activities that would infringe on the other parent’s scheduled time with the children excessively. The parent that has physical custody of the child for any day when the child has a scheduled activity is responsible for transporting the child to and from such scheduled activity unless prior arrangements have been made between the Mother and Father.

T D M and R K M, of lawful age, being duly sworn on their oath states that she/he is the Respondent/Petitioner named above and that the facts stated herein are true according to her/his best knowledge and belief.

Sworn to and subscribed before me Sworn to and subscribed before me

this _____ day of _______, 2004. this _____ day of _______, 2004.

_________________________ _________________________
Notary Public Notary Public

My commission expires: My commission expires:

“Absent exigent circumstances as determined by a court with jurisdiction, you, as a party to this action are ordered to notify in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and at least sixty (60) days prior to the proposed relocation each party to this action of any proposed relocation of the principle residence of the children, including the following information:

(1) The intended new residence including the specific address and mailing address if known, and if not known, the city;
(2) The home telephone number of the new residence if known;
(3) The date of the intended move or proposed relocation;
(4) A statement of the specific reasons for the relocation of the children; and
(5) A proposal for a revised schedule of custody or visitation with the children.

Your obligation to provide this information to each party continues as long as you or any other party by virtue of this order is entitled to custody of a child covered by this order. Your failure to obey the order of this court regarding the proposed relocation may result in further litigation to enforce such order, including contempt of court. In addition, your failure to notify a party of a relocation of a child may be considered in a proceeding to modify custody or visitation with the child. Reasonable costs and attorneys fees may be assessed against you if you fail to give the required notice.”

The part about moving that's listed after the notary signatures is required to be included in all Missouri parenting plans. You can disregard that part unless it matches your state guidelines and you want to include it.


only problem we have with the school breaks is the kid isn't even in school. He's 5 and should be but mom didn't enroll him. Seems like the courts don't care about that though. :mad: So being specific about dates would be hard, when we don't have a school schedule. I can't go by our kids schedule because her school does not follow the typical distric calander, she is in a school for talented and gifted kids and there breaks are different from everybody else, there school year is also longer. I think I will have to redo the holiday schedule but i'm not sure just yet how I will do it.
thanks for the advice,
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