Senior Member
I love being the subject of so much attention and speculation! I am just an enormous windbag with a huge ego !
I couldn't have said it better myself.
I love being the subject of so much attention and speculation! I am just an enormous windbag with a huge ego !
I find it interesting that everyone is trying to determine who you might be. Apparently, you must not be in the clique if there are only presumptions as to what senior you are and not known for sure. You still dont know the mailbox rule but you got people talking and spending time on you.I love being the subject of so much attention and speculation! Perhaps I am just an enormous windbag with a huge ego !
Here we go with the mailbox rule again ROFLMAO! It's amazing how for a group of people that are so against presumptions and assumptions everyone is presuming that I'm a senior's pseudonym. All because I write with a great deal of arrogance. This is an interesting group for sure.I find it interesting that everyone is trying to determine who you might be. Apparently, you must not be in the clique if there are only presumptions as to what senior you are and not known for sure. You still dont know the mailbox rule but you got people talking and spending time on you.
arrogance? Obviously.Here we go with the mailbox rule again ROFLMAO! It's amazing how for a group of people that are so against presumptions and assumptions everyone is presuming that I'm a senior's pseudonym. All because I write with a great deal of arrogance. This is an interesting group for sure.
offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride.
Nothing in there stating it is based on actual importance or superiority. In fact, it implies just the opposite.: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions
I'm well familiar with it; however, it has no bearing to any questions pending on the forum and absolutely no bearing on making payments on a credit contract that is in existence has already been accepted by both parties.and have you even bothered to do any research on the mailbox rule? Given your posts, I suspect not.
nor does your argument of the payment being received by any given date. Remember, there was no valid amendment to the original contract that allowed until sometime in 2013 to complete the payments. The demand was a unilateral attempt to amend the contract in place and unless the original contract allowed for such a unilateral modification or the op agreed to the modification, it is unenforceable, regardless of the fact the OP attempted to comply with the demand.I'm well familiar with it; however, it has no bearing to any questions pending on the forum and absolutely no bearing on making payments on a credit contract that is in existence has already been accepted by both parties.
If OP is really determined to get into college, he'll find the type of foil he needs to do this.yes but you do realize tinfoil is not easy to find. It was replaced by aluminum foil a long time ago and that is generally all that is available to the typical consumer. Aluminum foil doesn't have the same protective capabilities as tin foil but it is generally adequate to protect from all but the most powerful government and alien technologies.