Yup, it could. The look back for 5 DUIs is a lifetime in NY, and maybe, I just want to skip the probation, rehab etc and go to a cheap country I can afford without being a state ward, where few people have cars and public transport is great. (What really pisses me off is if they had a real test for being stoned I'd have passed.) Say I stay there for 7 years and need a passport to remain, will the USA screw me on THAT? And I'll
have to come back for the probation THEN. So I guess I'll just relax and take it...lol arghhh
Sorry but I just went to the NYS DMV and that's the deal. Only Mass and NY are like that, but all other states go along with them on that too. https://www.google.com/search?q=look+back+period+for+DUI+in+NYS&rlz=1C1AOHY_enUS708US708&oq=look+back+period+for+DUI+in+NYS&aqs=chrome..69i57.19941j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
You can't stay in any country longer 6 months a year unless you have $20k/year to spend.