Bali Hai Again
Active Member
Dear Litigator22:Dear Bali Hai:
I would like to direct focus and hopefully engender professional discussion on whether resolving the OP's issues with his former employer may call for the application of the "Clean Hands Doctrine".
I am not a legal professional but am happy to discuss.
So, may I please have your kind indulgence and professional attention to the following hypothetical - which I see as somewhat analogous to the issue at hand?
You have my attention.
Employer "A" is engaged in importing and selling consumer goods. Employee "B" knows of a source to export counterfeit merchandise - say smart phones. "A" and "B" conspire to import the bogus phones with "A" to front the money to the exporter, market the merchandise as genuine and split the net with "B".
Things run smoothly for a time until CBP seizes and confiscates a shipment of bogus phones. Criminal investigation is pending. However, in the meantime "A" is out-of- pocket _x_ dollars being the amount he paid for the commandeered shipment.
Question #1. Does "A" (theoretically speaking) have civil recourse against "B" with respect to reimbursement or restitution of any part of his said out-of-pocket costs?
In my unprofessional opinion no. I have watched Judge Judy enough to know this.
Clearly, "A" would be asking the court to adjudicate subject matter systemically tainted with fraud, i.e., enforce an inherently illegal agreement.
My second question is how does my hypothetical which is imbedded in the conspiracy to illegal import counterfeit consumer goods and sell them as genuine differ in principle from conspiring to engage in a violation of Internal Revenue Cade requiring the withholding of an employee's income tax. Each of which have criminal consequences.
Aside from the criminal conspiracy inferred of which there has been no evidence offered, I have the following questions:
1. Does the OP owe payroll taxes regardless of whether they are an employee or independent contractor?
2. Did OP pay those taxes in addition to the employer paying the same payroll taxes for OP.
3. If the answer to question #2 is no, does the OP owe the employer a reimbursement for paying the taxes owed by the OP?
4. If the answer to question #2 is yes, proceed with the recommendations offered by the tax experts in this thread?