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enough for a 3rd party order?

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Im not sure what its called but when judge tells another party to mind their bussiness? ncp called other night drunk n crying to me about how much he missed us(baby and I) and how he was so sorry for not being there for us. his life is" ****ed up right now" he"cries for us everynight and loves us so much" I said me to but you gotta prove its dif. He said ok ill be there tom. to see him and help out I love you bye. 2 days go by n nothing I called to see what was going on and his father answered drunk. I asked to speak to ncp he said about what i said a personal matter between your son and I he keept asking why and then said he cant talk to you tell me and ill determine if you should talk. I said sorry but its personal and .... is a 24 yr. old man and its our bussiness its not like hes 17 and i have to go through u. he went off on this drunken stupor about he doesnt have to see him(baby) n he doesnt care. i had enough n said explain that to a judge and he said little hoe blah blah blah ... i hung up on him. This is ridiculous Im going nuts trying to figure out the truth. Is that enough evidence for that kind of order ?
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Senior Member
um no- if your ex wants to be involved with the child he will be, regardless of what his dad says, he may be able to do that without his dad being able to interfere once he moves out on his own
Zephyr said:
um no- if your ex wants to be involved with the child he will be, regardless of what his dad says, he may be able to do that without his dad being able to interfere once he moves out on his own

im saying on his dad. It seems his dad in the middle is causing all this crap I want to cut out the middle man thats all. Ncp and I are just fine when its just the 2 of us n hes sober. I want daddy to get out from the middle this is our son why should i have to go through ncp's father?


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
im saying on his dad. It seems his dad in the middle is causing all this crap I want to cut out the middle man thats all. Ncp and I are just fine when its just the 2 of us n hes sober. I want daddy to get out from the middle this is our son why should i have to go through ncp's father?
THAT"S WHAT I WAS SAYING! when the father of your child moves out of HIS fathers house and starts acting like a man, you won't have to deal with his dad. as long as he is living in his dad's house, you just have to deal with it, a judge is not going to order him not to answer his own phone
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Queen Bee
newmommy20 said:
im saying on his dad. It seems his dad in the middle is causing all this crap I want to cut out the middle man thats all. Ncp and I are just fine when its just the 2 of us n hes sober. I want daddy to get out from the middle this is our son why should i have to go through ncp's father?
Because you called his house? You can't call the ncp's father's house and then say you want an order against the ncp's father to prohibit him from answering the phone if it might be you.

Just Blue

Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
im saying on his dad. It seems his dad in the middle is causing all this crap I want to cut out the middle man thats all. Ncp and I are just fine when its just the 2 of us n hes sober. I want daddy to get out from the middle this is our son why should i have to go through ncp's father?

newmommy...Why have you posted on the DV site looking to get charges brought against this guy....yet here you want to find a way to have contact with him?? :confused:


Senior Member
baystategirl said:
newmommy...Why have you posted on the DV site looking to get charges brought against this guy....yet here you want to find a way to have contact with him?? :confused:
I get the impression that if dad wants her and baby then it's ok, but if dad wants just baby, mom is going to fight him every step....

but I could be reading too much into it
Zephyr said:
THAT"S WHAT I SAYING! when the father of your child moves out of HIS fathers house and starts acting like a man, you won't have to deal with his dad. as long as he is living in his dad's house, you just have to deal with it, a judge is not going to order him not to answer his own phone
ncp has personal cell phone couldnt a judge order i have that number instead? father pays that bill so he can controll that 2 i guess. well i dont have to disscuss parenting maters w/ father right only ncp? if I cant reach ncp because i wont disclose info to father i cant get in trouble right?


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
ncp has personal cell phone couldnt a judge order i have that number instead? father pays that bill so he can controll that 2 i guess. well i dont have to disscuss parenting maters w/ father right only ncp? if I cant reach ncp because i wont disclose info to father i cant get in trouble right?
and why hasn't ncp given you that number???? are you likely to misuse it?
baystategirl said:
newmommy...Why have you posted on the DV site looking to get charges brought against this guy....yet here you want to find a way to have contact with him?? :confused:

No i just dont want to go through dad if i need to talk to him. The DV thing is because he needs help w/ alcohol. And idk how to protect my boy n thats whats i was told i had to do


Senior Member
simpleguy05 said:
If you need to say something without dealing with anyone else...go old school------------> write him a letter:p
Then when he doesn't respond to that, she'll come back here claiming dad is intercepting his mail!

She should just sit back and wait. I'm sure he'll get wasted again pretty soon and give her a call. That way she can get her hopes all up again that he's coming back to her. And then she'll put off taking him to court for child support. Then he'll sober up and ignore her again. It could go on forever. Then, 20 years from now, when the "baby" is all grown up, he'll come back here and ask if he can sue his dad for the child support his mother never filed for because dad committed fraud by making mom believe they were getting back together everytime he went on a bender! Then it can all be made into a "Lifetime Movie of the Week".
ceara19 said:
Then when he doesn't respond to that, she'll come back here claiming dad is intercepting his mail!

She should just sit back and wait. I'm sure he'll get wasted again pretty soon and give her a call. That way she can get her hopes all up again that he's coming back to her. And then she'll put off taking him to court for child support. Then he'll sober up and ignore her again. It could go on forever. Then, 20 years from now, when the "baby" is all grown up, he'll come back here and ask if he can sue his dad for the child support his mother never filed for because dad committed fraud by making mom believe they were getting back together everytime he went on a bender! Then it can all be made into a "Lifetime Movie of the Week".
first off i have not put off cs i have already filed...second w/ me or not i still have to do whats best for my boy n thats dad getting help, being w/ me wont change the fact that he needs help so it irrelevant.... third my question was is there such an order to prevent 3rd party meddling and if so what is it called

ps i only posted that conversation to show dad is a major influence (not that it excuses his behavior) and causes problems. By the way he is always "on a bender" thats the big issue

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