Oh I understand that mistakes happen, but not paying the child support for 13 years is his mistake not the courts, lol. He has tried everything under the sun to get out of paying, when the case first started he tried to claim that she wasn't his. I had a lawyer at the time. First off we didn't have to submit to the paternity test because in the state of Pennsylvania a child born of marriage is considered to be the husbands and he also signed the birth certificate. But I stated that I would be willing to have the tests done and my lawyer stated that he would need to pay for my transportation since I didn't drive. So the judge told him if he wanted the paternity test that he would need to pay for the tests and for my transportation if he wanted the tests done, my ex said forget it, lol. Then I was also granted some form of alimony pend lite (?). (At this time he was refusing to sign the divorce papers) So he asked the judge how can he get out of paying it and the judge laughed at him and said "get divorced", lol. After the first year of not paying there was a bench warrant set on him and that is when he took off out of state. Like I said in an earlier post he keeps moving around and everytime he gets a job he quits before the wage attachment can take effect.
I understand that there is due process and he has rights but what about my daughters rights, it just doesn't seem fair, but I know life isn't fair, lol. His hearing is next month so once I get something from the courts letting me know what happened I will let you all know. I appreciate everyone taking the time to answer my questions and allowing me to vent my frustrations