Just wanted to clarify. The fact that the school is required by statute to divulge information is inmaterial to the discussion. They are a third-party to the custody/parentage qustion and therefore, without a court order granting the poster parental rights, there is no legal obligation, save the custodial parent, for releasing the child to anyone.
our poster has been named the legal father. He has NOT been given legal rights which must be recognized by any third-party entity save what is detailed in the posted statute.
To alleviate this problem in the future, there needs to be a custody/visitation order issued. And even then, without clear wording in the order regarding the times and dates of custody, the school is not required to release the child.
For example, if the poster obtains custody/visitation which says Dec. 8th from 3 p.m. to Sunday at 6 p.m. that is sufficient to exercise his legal rights to the child and to hold a third-party responsible for their actions.
If, however, the order only states (EOW), then the school, as the third-party, is not responsible for releasing the child as the EOW is vague without parameters and the school cannot be held liable for it's 'interpretation' of the order.