Yes, I did. I said "she is not going to be able to go back and retroactively tweak the court order to her advantage for every miniscule thing she doesn't like."And why not? You're really not giving any reason for why it's not possible to motion the court for this.
Yes. Exactly. It is an agreement between you and your ex. It was not something ordered by a judge. If it's something both parents agree to, a judge is going to sign off on it, within reason. That's a far cry from both parents being in disagreement on an issue and the judge having to make a decision--which is the case for the OP.I'm not quite sure that I understand your post. If you are talking about my parenting agreement, it is just that. A parenting agreement that my ex and I came to in mediation and signed and adopted as an order of the court. I never have implied that mediation and having the judge rule on something are the same thing.
You insist on comparing your case to the OP's. Do you really think the father is going to consent to an agreement that states he must change the way his household is arranged on the weekends he has visitation? No, OP would have to go before a judge, say she doesn't like it, and ask him to change it. And. For the last time. THAT. IS. NOT. GOING. TO. HAPPEN.