I have not sued my insurance company (yet). I expect my insurance company to reimburse out of pocket medical costs, lost wages, and other applicable expenses. I also expect pain & suffering compensation - but this amount is subjective, so I hired an attorney to help me get a fair figure.I am totally confused....who hires an attorney to sue their own insurance company?...at least in a situation like this one?
When you have uninsured motorist coverage it covers direct costs. It covers damages to your vehicle, a temporary rental car and medical costs. I have never seen uninsured motorist coverage that covers things like lost wages and other indirect costs. Am I just way out of the loop here? Isn't this guy going to get cancelled by his insurance company as soon as this is over?
My uninsured motorist coverage does not cover damage to my vehicle or rental car costs.
The whole idea here is that I'm suing the other driver and for whatever the other driver cannot pay (most likely all of it), my insurance writes the check.