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FOB lost his house and is self employed

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What is the name of your state? AZ

The FOB's house foreclosed and he is self-employed. I am almost certain that he is going to play the "financial" hardship card once the paternity default is ordered and CS is established. His internet personal ads all state income as over 75k - and I have been told that I may submit copies of these as his income. I have been my own detective gathering information on him. Is there a website or service that I can go to to verify earned income from last year?



I never heard of a website like you are asking about. But what will happen is he will be ordered to submit his income tax returns (since he is self-employed) to CS.
But here's some food for thought... If his house foreclosed, then technically he has less bills than he had before. So he is technically "better off" than he was when he had a mortgage and taxes to pay for. No?

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