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What is the name of your state? Florida

bud #1- father wants to leave mother of 1yr. old mother n father agreed he would disappear n pay no support (hate that but not my kid). Is there anything he can do to cover himself from her trying to get cs at a later date? like some sort of form.

#2- father buys clothes n small gifts for child (3) allows child to wear clothes n play w/ toys only when at his house he ias to change before going home and toys (lil things like matchbox cars) are taken away, child gets very upset when asked to leave toys at dads and told cant wear new clothes to preschool.Personally i think thats pretty messed up you give then take away.father actually called mom mid week and said he wanted childs new outfit returned to his home (childs fav. outfit) Its ridiculous but is there anything that can be done about that? I cant believe they are arguing over clothes n toys. would a judge say anything about the immaturity?


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
What is the name of your state? Florida

bud #1- father wants to leave mother of 1yr. old mother n father agreed he would disappear n pay no support (hate that but not my kid). Is there anything he can do to cover himself from her trying to get cs at a later date? like some sort of form.

Nope- if at any point she gets state aid, neither one of them will have a choice- the state will go after him with a vengence.

#2- father buys clothes n small gifts for child (3) allows child to wear clothes n play w/ toys only when at his house he ias to change before going home and toys (lil things like matchbox cars) are taken away, child gets very upset when asked to leave toys at dads and told cant wear new clothes to preschool.Personally i think thats pretty messed up you give then take away.father actually called mom mid week and said he wanted childs new outfit returned to his home (childs fav. outfit) Its ridiculous but is there anything that can be done about that? I cant believe they are arguing over clothes n toys. would a judge say anything about the immaturity?
Yes it is petty and a judge would think so to, but not worth fighting in court. This happens in split families all over the country and the parents just don't get it.
weenor said:
Yes it is petty and a judge would think so to, but not worth fighting in court. This happens in split families all over the country and the parents just don't get it.

so should she just not mention it or u think hed get a scolding n maybe change his ways?


newmommy20 said:
so should she just not mention it or u think hed get a scolding n maybe change his ways?
Not a legal opinion, but they should both get a scolding for putting this poor child in the middle of this crap!!!

Stand by...you'll get your legal answer!!! :) :) :)

Just Blue

Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
so should she just not mention it or u think hed get a scolding n maybe change his ways?

He seem like an as****e...they don't tend to change their ways... :rolleyes:
Mom doesn't seem too great either.... :(
sorry holding lil one n trying to type

baystategirl said:
He seem like an as****e...they don't tend to change their ways... :rolleyes:
Mom doesn't seem too great either.... :(

shes not,,,,,, the child is my sons 1st cousin on his dads side. I feel so bad for him he gets no love, its all about them. Our baby is 3wks old i can only hope my ex fiancee will be better but its a messed up fam. and i highly doubt it (ithought it would get better after 4 yrs it only got worse) . i can only do my best to protect my baby boy from this crap. Its a shame cuz these parents are afecting many future gen. i firmly believe the parents shape the child and this poor guy is gonna have it rough thanx to them


Senior Member
Legally there is really nothing she can do and as another poster put it he probably won't do anything even if she mentions it. In fact, it may piss him and it could get worse if possible.

My hubby went through this with his ex and still does. Her excuse is that he didn't wash the clothes right or he let them get too dirty. Then when the roles changed after he got custody of course he let the child wear her clothes over to Mom's. Guess what???, the child (who is 12 by the way) would not keep up with them and her mother never made her so we were continually buying new clothes to be taken over to the bottomless pit. Can't win and you can't control the other person.

I think all Mom can do is keep talking to the child and eventually the child will understand that its Daddy's personal problem.

Just Blue

Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
shes not,,,,,, the child is my sons 1st cousin on his dads side. I feel so bad for him he gets no love, its all about them. Our baby is 3wks old i can only hope my ex fiancee will be better but its a messed up fam. and i highly doubt it (ithought it would get better after 4 yrs it only got worse) . i can only do my best to protect my baby boy from this crap. Its a shame cuz these parents are afecting many future gen. i firmly believe the parents shape the child and this poor guy is gonna have it rough thanx to them

Well..I'm sure they love the child...they just hate each other more, too bad. :(

Congrads on your new baby boy!! Enjoy him...they grow so fast befor you know it, he will be getting married and having kids of his own...lets hope it another 25 or 30 years tho!!lol!
baystategirl said:
Well..I'm sure they love the child...they just hate each other more, too bad. :(

Congrads on your new baby boy!! Enjoy him...they grow so fast befor you know it, he will be getting married and having kids of his own...lets hope it another 25 or 30 years tho!!lol!
lol nooooooo. i want him to stay lil forever :D dad may not be a good dad right now but he gave me the best thing in the world and through all this im thankful.

Just Blue

Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
lol nooooooo. i want him to stay lil forever :D dad may not be a good dad right now but he gave me the best thing in the world and through all this im thankful.

Better watch what you say...I'm gonna cut and paste it to you when you are back in a year or so bitchin' about the daddy.... :p


Senior Member

newmommy20 said:
anyone know bout #1????
I put the answer inside the box and bolded it without warning you.

Nope- the problem is that if she ever gets state aid the issue will be out of their hands. The state will go after him for the money and she won't be able to control that.

Just Blue

Senior Member
weenor said:
I'll have one of whatever your drinking.

I was just confused for a moment...but I do think I will have a Sam...as in Sam Adams...I don't know if you get those down in the south...But it is the BEST beer!! :cool:

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