kkat said:
xylene you pathetic creature.
To answer, there is No contract or list of rules/ regulations/ limitations etc. regarding this service
You are a joke. I am not freeloading. I am offering my neighbor help AT THIS TIME! I only wanted to know what the law was for this issue but as always one or more of response has to be an insult.
You are freeloading. If you wanted to help her the right way, the way where your not harming the trash man and all of your neighbors, then you would have given or loaned her money,
Our creep of a LL told her the trash pick up was included in the rent. She has three kids and is under some financial strain. But then someone like you is not capable of understanding lending a hand to another.
Then her problem is with the landlord. I understand financial strain. Passing along to everybody is called freeloading. "Tragedy of the commons" is a phrase you should google, read about and understand.
You must get your jollies by rendering judgment via this site. You need to get a life.
You asked if what your doing could be illegal. The answer was maybe, given the inadeqaute information you provided. You are not even clear about the terms of your trash service- so how could anyone even the greatest lawyer in the world tell you anything more than that.
Your mad because you didn't hear the answer you wanted, that it was automatically and universally fine and legal.
Well it MAY BE illegal. AND even if it was legal, unless you are SURE that trash service pick-up is for a set quantity trash without regard to which household it originated from; then YOU are in the wrong.
Thats not judgement- thats the answer to your question.