I've shared my Garbage P/U in the past also so what. Go for it.
By your logic then each time I put out less the my aggreement shouldn't I get a refund then. Mine states no more then 3 bags per week, I sort recycle feed my animals and burn and many weeks have no bags seems to be a waste of gas to have this man come here so why not let my neighbor but his at my driveway.
By your logic then each time I put out less the my aggreement shouldn't I get a refund then. Mine states no more then 3 bags per week, I sort recycle feed my animals and burn and many weeks have no bags seems to be a waste of gas to have this man come here so why not let my neighbor but his at my driveway.
Gadfly said:If you were being paid to pick up trash from one customer and suddenly it became two and there was no extra money for the work (or tipping fees at the dump) what would you do? The hauler is running a business with bills to pay and people to pay. It's not a charity.