The only things that really helped us at the Guardianship review was that the visitation order was amended so the Grandmother can longer tell us no when we go to pick her up, whether shes sick or not, The Judge told her that as parents we know how to take care of a sick child and it should be up to us whether we want to take her or not. (Grandmother uses "shes sick" alot of the times and wont let us have her) and the judge also told us how to go about filing the Termination of Guardianship (Grandmother was really mad about that, she almost got an "Intemp of Court" (not sure if that is how its spelled) because she told the judge "You cant tell them that" which made the judge mad. The last thing i would do is go in and tell a Judge what she can and cant do! Other then that is was just a basic review of Guardianship and it was supposed to be done every 6-12 months and it hadnt been done since the Guardianship was granted. She also ammended the order so that we can go to school meetings, and school functions along with being able to go to dance recitals and all that. so it did work out for us in a way but it was what everyone was telling us that it was. But she is calling the state on us and trying everything to get us in trouble and you know what, My husband was told by the D.A. that he should be filing charges on his mother for letting the sexual abuse happen to him and taking him to the pedophiles house and dropping him off and he wont, because its his mother and because of his daughter. She was subpenad to go to court on the guys case but they have said she will be a hostile witness whatever that is so hopefully she will hang herself. Well I pray everyday that it will work out for us.