Here is informaiton and numbers to call for clarification in Chicago, sorry I couldn't post the vehicle code but at least have toe links.
Disability Parking Placard and License Plates in Illinois
Reviewed March 2004
Author: Marcia J. Opp, BJ
Education Program Manager
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago LIFE Center
If you have a disability and drive your own car or are driven in a private car, you may apply for a card and license plate that allows you to park in specially designated accessible parking spaces.
Applications are available from the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office at their web site; Go to Services; then go to Persons with Disabilities.
The two-page application is called “Persons with Disabilities Certification for Plates or Parking Placard.” It must be signed and completed by a physician and the applicant and then mailed to the Secretary of State, Non-Standard Plate Section, 501 S. 2nd St., Room 539, Springfield, IL 62756.
The Chicago Office is located at l7 N. State St., Suite 1137, and is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The Illinois Secretary of State’s toll free number is 1-800-252-8980.
The Chicago office phone is 312-793-1010.
Or you may e-mail the Secretary of State’s Office at
[email protected].
Accessible Parking
In Illinois, facilities that offer parking for employees or visitors must provide adequate accessible parking for persons with disabilities. The accessible parking space and nearby striped access space must be clear of obstructions at all times, including ice, snow, shopping carts, trash cans, potted plants, seasonal garden displays, bike racks, and wheelstops. All accessible spaces should be situated on level pavement.
Complaints about inaccessibility or improperly marked spaces should be addressed to the Disability Rights Bureau of the Illinois Attorney General’s Office.
Phone numbers for the Disability Rights Bureau are:
Chicago: 1-312-814-5684 or TTY: 1-312-814-3374;
Springfield: 1-217-785-5726 or TTY: 1-217-785-2771.
The web site is