Being that this is a legal Site and on-line, it would be a really great service to inform others what and if any laws are in effect specific to the internet today. If someone came across a site which has the obvious intent to promote and advocate violence agaginst a particular group. Web Sites that sickenly Promote and invite Child Porn.. etc
I send erroneous URLs to the US customs that I happen apon in searches for additions to my website. I hpowever have grown frustrated trying to get any action against the Disgusting creature posing as a reverend no-less that displays The deceased Matthew Sheppard image with flames exclaiming he is burning in hell. The Creature's Website is nothing more than an affront to all people who are decent and human.
Please offer any suggestions as to who to contact to have such sites banned forever.
A mom in search of justice and safety for all our children.
I send erroneous URLs to the US customs that I happen apon in searches for additions to my website. I hpowever have grown frustrated trying to get any action against the Disgusting creature posing as a reverend no-less that displays The deceased Matthew Sheppard image with flames exclaiming he is burning in hell. The Creature's Website is nothing more than an affront to all people who are decent and human.
Please offer any suggestions as to who to contact to have such sites banned forever.
A mom in search of justice and safety for all our children.