My divorce papers state that we have joint custody, and I am the managing conservator. It states the visitation schedule. I will contact the old school and find out where they transferred to, then what should I do? I have to get a copy of my papers, I misplaced my original, but that is not a problem. The threats that he makes are about taking me to court (he knows I don't have the financial resources that he does), and Child Support, and he just says ugly things to me... nothing specific, just ugly things. I have 4 children in all, however, my oldest is 20, and cannot be persuaded by him, and my youngest is 12, but he did not want to stay with his father. I don't understand why my 17 year old daughter stays there, because when she was young she said that daddy touched her in her privates.... my son I imagine, is there because of money. He sets no rules for them, he lets my daughter drive with no license, and he lets both of them drink and party. They both have myspace pages, and by the looks of the pictures and the language on their pages, he allows my daughter to present herself as a tramp, and doesn't mind that they use profanity.