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Here we go again....GPV Round 3!!!

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Senior Member
What exactly are the bolded? Do they tie into GPV at all?

(Mainly I want to know for my own edification. And someone that actually lives in NY may see this one day and wonder the same thing.:p)
New York Family Court - Article 3 - Juvenile Delinquency

New York Family Court - Article 7 - Proceedings Concerning Whether a Person Is in Need of Supervision.

Article 8. Family offenses proceedings

I can't answer directly . I do know the Attorney for the father ( incarcerated 25-life )of my GF and his attorney were clearly and harshly admonished by the Judge about sanctions , and if they didn't like the rulings they knew where the appellate division is .

I'm going to edit my other post because it was the father's matter
( incarcerated 25 - life ) that the Judge admonished harshly about sanctions for filings of contempt , not his mother's matter which the court separated. Although the were harshly admonished too ,just not about sanctions .
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Senior Member
this is alone is another reason why im going to law school to become a family law practitioner so i can help FIGHT these abuses, its ridiculous....:mad::mad::mad:
It's so awesome to hear that you are making lemons into lemonade from these experiences you have had to endure. You have every right to be proud of your accomplishments.

I just have to ask, was your father smart, because your intelligence definitely did not come from your mother!!

Congratulations on your new baby!!!
It's so awesome to hear that you are making lemons into lemonade from these experiences you have had to endure. You have every right to be proud of your accomplishments.

I just have to ask, was your father smart, because your intelligence definitely did not come from your mother!!

Congratulations on your new baby!!!
lol..umm actually i have not seen my father since i was 8 or 9, dont care to associate with him either, funny isnt it....now it makes me wonder if now everything i heard about him is accurate...

and the little one aka the giggle monster is doing great, great at driving me nuts!!!!! shes 2 1/2 mths old and is toooo cute...i call her a giggle monster bc she smiles and laughs hysterically in her sleep....i cant describe how cute she is....:D:D:D
man i love that website, makes everything easy to find, well for me it is....


oooooohkkkk... now that i got that out of my system.....
Liandrajade, i've been following you for a long time and we've talked about our similar situations, i'm so sorry your mother is continuing in her attacks against you, unfortunately, i know what it feels like.

i saw this post yesterday, and while unrelated to your question, the use of the word "retarded" just bothered me. I have a good friend who just had a baby with Ds, and i've been doing a lot of research on it lately, and didn't realise until recently how hurtful that word is to many people... i'm not trying to be critical, just show a differnt POV...


i really hope that your mom backs off soon, myself i wonder if it would be easier to have a dead mom, rather than a mom who thinks i'm such a horrible person and parent, and my heart breaks for all that she is missing. it's something i struggle with every day. i'm so glad the little one is such a joy, there is nothing like a new baby to brighten your day...

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Senior Member
texastepmom, I don't think the use of that word was for a PERSON, but rather the ACTION.

Now, I have a question for the New York experts here. If my guess is right, the GP has not exercised any of her visitation that was awarded in court. Is there any point where the OP could go back to court and get the GP visitation revoked? I know all about poking the bear, but we know that GP is litigious. Would seem that at some point when OP is in court this be revoked.
Liandrajade, i've been following you for a long time and we've talked about our similar situations, i'm so sorry your mother is continuing in her attacks against you, unfortunately, i know what it feels like.

i saw this post yesterday, and while unrelated to your question, the use of the word "retarded" just bothered me. I have a good friend who just had a baby with Ds, and i've been doing a lot of research on it lately, and didn't realise until recently how hurtful that word is to many people... i'm not trying to be critical, just show a differnt POV...

R-word.org - Change the conversation...

i really hope that your mom backs off soon, myself i wonder if it would be easier to have a dead mom, rather than a mom who thinks i'm such a horrible person and parent, and my heart breaks for all that she is missing. it's something i struggle with every day. i'm so glad the little one is such a joy, there is nothing like a new baby to brighten your day...

ah i apologize, i never mean to offend anyone, mainstream use of the word is to indicate an action that lacks reasoning or logic....

ive just gotten used to the idea that this will be an ongoing issue that i have no control over and im just going to have to deal with it as best as i can, as long as kiddo is not affected by it any more than she has to be, it is what it is...shakes head....
texastepmom, I don't think the use of that word was for a PERSON, but rather the ACTION.

Now, I have a question for the New York experts here. If my guess is right, the GP has not exercised any of her visitation that was awarded in court. Is there any point where the OP could go back to court and get the GP visitation revoked? I know all about poking the bear, but we know that GP is litigious. Would seem that at some point when OP is in court this be revoked.
yes, and i realize that OP had no intention of offending people with mental delays... Like I said, i've done a ton of research on down syndrome just recently, and before doing so did not realize the impact the "R-word" had on people. it is used in a negitive way, and thus is offensive to those who have mental delays... just like people saying that something is "gay" can be offensive to homosexuals... it is now a word i have taken out of my vocabulary.
ah i apologize, i never mean to offend anyone, mainstream use of the word is to indicate an action that lacks reasoning or logic....

ive just gotten used to the idea that this will be an ongoing issue that i have no control over and im just going to have to deal with it as best as i can, as long as kiddo is not affected by it any more than she has to be, it is what it is...shakes head....
i know that you meant no offense, i have just been thinking about your post for awhile now, and felt compelled to explain some of the things i've recently learned.

all you can do is protect your family from this a much as possible... that is what i keep telling myself anyway! i got a birthday card from my mom this week talking about how proud she is of me... i wish she just hadn't sent it to begin with. grr...


Senior Member
texastepmom, I don't think the use of that word was for a PERSON, but rather the ACTION.

Now, I have a question for the New York experts here. If my guess is right, the GP has not exercised any of her visitation that was awarded in court. Is there any point where the OP could go back to court and get the GP visitation revoked? I know all about poking the bear, but we know that GP is litigious. Would seem that at some point when OP is in court this be revoked.
If she goes a couple of years without exercising her visitation or the child gets old enough that she is not interested in the visitation or the grandparent makes the child uncomfortable with the visitation so the child no longer wants it, that is when it will be possible to get it revoked.

Also of course if grandma becomes dangerous to the child it could be revoked as well.


Senior Member
texastepmom, I don't think the use of that word was for a PERSON, but rather the ACTION.

Now, I have a question for the New York experts here. If my guess is right, the GP has not exercised any of her visitation that was awarded in court. Is there any point where the OP could go back to court and get the GP visitation revoked? I know all about poking the bear, but we know that GP is litigious. Would seem that at some point when OP is in court this be revoked.
If you read my post about admonishments , frivolous filings and the like , you'll find out the Judge will tire of these court room antics and the time the court waste on them .

All the party needs to do in an answer or request is to ask the court to admonish the party as these filings have come to the point of harassment in nature.

The Judge should tell granny to get off her duff and set up visitations " as agreed " , and quit wasting everyone's time and patients .
If she goes a couple of years without exercising her visitation or the child gets old enough that she is not interested in the visitation or the grandparent makes the child uncomfortable with the visitation so the child no longer wants it, that is when it will be possible to get it revoked.

Also of course if grandma becomes dangerous to the child it could be revoked as well.
oh i wish but in order to get the order vacated id have to show WHY it is in the best interest to vacate the order...and she will not go longer than what she has now without seeing my child so thats not going to happen either...im just going to make the best of this ridiculous situation and thats pretty much it.....;)

hopefully all my posts on here are helping other parents researching going thru this same issue
Has she actually exercised ANY visitation since the order was put in place?
NOPE nothing...been too busy trying to play games and take me and hubby in and out of court....not a single phone call from her, only one email from her atty in feb, and kiddo's birthday was THIS SATURDAY THE 22ND, and not a phone call, no card no gift in the mail NOTHING, which i was expecting them to at least have the common decency to contact me REGARDLESS of their personal issues with me....but nothing**************...
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Senior Member
NOPE nothing...been too busy trying to play games and take me and hubby in and out of court...
Which is why I asked the question about how long does someone go without visitation before it is no longer in the "child's best interest" to go. She keeps up and there will NOT be any relationship between the GP and the child.

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