we are in a very simular situation. my husband's ex lies sooo much to her children and to us and she never keeps her word on anything. example - my step daughter turned 10 in aug - every week the mom promised the b-day gift was in the mail and everyday my sd would run to the mail box looking for the present - it is extremely frusterating and i really cant believe a mom would ever hurt her kids the way this lady does. we finally got the present in the mail last week - 2 1/2 months after she said she had mailed it and it was post marked for 3days before we got it. the 10 yr old knows her mom lies and she has told us many times - it sure would be nice if mom wouldnt lie to all of us. the children are no dummys, they know how it really is but in my situation my husband has his own issues from childhood. short story --- on his dad's death bed a couple yrs ago my husband told his dad that he was going to look up his mom that he hadnt seen since he was 10. dieing dad thought that was a good idea. after he died my husband called the last known phone # he had from 20 yrs before. his grandpa answered and said that his mom had died 2 yrs earlier. my husband was devastated. after talking and going to visit his grandpa and relatives in MI he found out his dad had forbidden the mom to have contact with him. all these yrs my husband grew up hating his mom thinking she didnt want anything to do with him. the grandpa had returned mail and letters that the mom had tried to get thru to my husband. because of the pain that my husband feels with not knowing his mom (she did have mental issues which is why my husbands dad did what he did) and the anger he has towards his father for not allowing him the CHOICE of having a relationship with his mom, my husband has promised to never do this to his own girls which is why we go above and beyond for this worthless mom of his children. my husband feels that the kids should have the choice whether or not to have a relationship with the other parent and as long as they are young enough for him to have to make the decision for them, the relationship will be maintained. sorry for the book...