Insurance Home appraisal after the fire's a question. Our insurance policy says nothing of getting an
appraisal in the valuation section of it. It only states that it will replace,repair or (darn, can't think of the other word)...anyway, if it is
found to be more to fix the damage than the policy is worth, then they
are to pay the amount of the policy**************the clincher is this, no where do
I see that they are to get an appraisal and offer up a fair market price....supposedly....after "they" use their own appraiser. I was told that
they are to pay up on the value given in my insurance policy. What is it
supposed to say in my policy and where do I find it under as to "we will get an appraisal on the burned building and most likely depreciate it and pay out less than your policy is worth?" Hope this makes sense. I have been scanning my policy under Valuation and it says nothing of the sort. Where else should I be looking?