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What is the name of your state? LA
This was a previous thread that I posted about communicating information to my ex regarding our children

Part of the order states that both parents are to notify the other parent if the children will be leaving the state (my state when they are with me and his state when they are with him). Since Christmas is coming and I will taking the children to visit family I need to notify him. I still do not know his address, phone number... etc... however, I do know where he is. He is currently in jail facing two felony charges. He isn't paying CS or exercising visitation (going on a year) but I do not want to miss one single item in the order!
Do I send the letter to the last 'known' address or do I send it to the jail? And if it is certified does anyone know if they will sign for it? I was thinking of maybe contacting the public defender that is assigned to him, should I?
Thanks for any and all help!


Senior Member
I'd send it to the jail. Call the jail to find out if they'll sign for certified mail, but unless the certified part is specified in your order, I wouldn't worry about it.


certified not specified

in the order. However, if it's not certified then he could say that I didn't send it. I just don't want to give him any thing to ever hold over my head. I'm waiting to find out specifics on his case to determine what my next course of action will be as far as custody goes. So, I know we will be in court soon (or at least I will... not sure how that will work if he is doing time in a jail across the country).

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