Hi MrOutcast, I will post something and I will not be rude. I am not sure why posters cannot just give advice and leave their moral outrage at home.
I applaud you that you want to go to college because, as a 50 yr looking in, most of the 18-23 yrs olds I know just sit at home.
I too went thru what you did. I was living with my dad and he refused to give Financial Aid his tax return information for selfish reasons. I was on my own. My mom had already passed away. Fortunatly for me, in those days Junior college was very inexpensive. I ended up with a part-time job, going to school and living on my own. But again it was easier then.
I suggest you: 1st go to a community college where rates are cheaper. You can usually get a fee waiver and it is Self-Certification. That means you don't need any documentation for the information you put down. Put down 0 income since that is the truth.
Once you start college, do very well and you can apply for scholarships and alot of them don't even have to be academic. I got one from the Single Parent Association for being a single parent. Also scholarships are provided to minorities.
Get a job, even a small one. Save up to finish your degree at a 4yr institution. By then you will be 25?
Good luck I hope this helps
Really, you have to resurrect a dead thread???