In truth, this has nothing to do with who was the bene. If OP believes the guardian is acting improperly, there are systems in place to address that but it is not going to make any dofference to know who the bene is for those actions.
I totally agree. Dandy Don is clueless about the duties, responsibilities & powers of a guardian/conservator and needs to stop posting to these threads about guardians because I end up correcting 99.9% of his replies that are wrong.
Originally Posted by justalayman
Hi Blondie. How ya been?
Pretty good, thank you. Been spending a lot of time in water lately (pool & ocean). Have a sister visiting & we're going snorkeling again this morning.
I would be starting to move home except for the fact that we have termites. I reported them to a BOD-not last month & was told that "no one else is complaining, it's an isolated incident". Someone must have sent them there termites an invitation to just only come to my condo. Stupidity is infinite.
Last week, a former BOD-not told my attorney that these BOD-nots fabricated & fudged Association records. I'm guess-timating that they embezzeled, misused/misapproprated $400,000 - $500,000. I have had access & copied a lot of Association records. They found a way to temporarily stop me just when I was to access & copy records when the insurance monies hit the bank account. I did copy the bank statements & they don't lie.
How are you & yours doing?