Hello, I am 16 years old. I have many disorders and biological conditions, but I am a very intelligent, compassionate, and functioning person who needs to know: Can I Emancipate? My family, to me, save for my grandmother, are abusive and neglectful for the majority of times currently present, and past. I am mentally tortured on a daily basis by my siblings, mother, and grandfather. I am threatened with police. I am threatened with being held down by orderlies in an asylum. My mother has even said, and I quote, "Go ahead and emancipate; get out of my house; leave; I don't care where you go" among other things. I am traumatized daily. There is constant fighting and chaos over the simplest of things. My mother and grandfather seem to believe that they have the authority to perform such vile acts, degrade me, frustrate me to the point of aggressive, but not physically violent behaviour. I am in a hostile environment psychologically. I have started a work transition class, and have a GDL learner's permit from West Virginia. I'm a good person. My mom is incapable of taking care of me. She just seems to see me as a bother, and even worse, as my father. She has multiple reasons why she is incapable of taking care of me, per the rules on this site, I cannot divulge. I have a lot of things that are good. A lot of the time my life is good. But for every time I've spent smiling or laughing, there's been 3 times that I cried. My mom tortures me psychologically whether she realizes or not, and I can stand it no longer, especially with my grandfather and siblings. I have been physically abused by my father, but he is not the issue here. The environment I am in. I cannot live under. I fully comprehend the terms of what emancipation entails. The thought honestly scares me. Makes me want to cry. But not because I can't survive. Because my family has so incessantly drove me to this point. I need help. I believe that all things happen for a reason. I have mine. But I can't live with theirs. Please, someone tell me what I can do. What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
Hello, I am 16 years old. I have many disorders and biological conditions, but I am a very intelligent, compassionate, and functioning person who needs to know: Can I Emancipate? My family, to me, save for my grandmother, are abusive and neglectful for the majority of times currently present, and past. I am mentally tortured on a daily basis by my siblings, mother, and grandfather. I am threatened with police. I am threatened with being held down by orderlies in an asylum. My mother has even said, and I quote, "Go ahead and emancipate; get out of my house; leave; I don't care where you go" among other things. I am traumatized daily. There is constant fighting and chaos over the simplest of things. My mother and grandfather seem to believe that they have the authority to perform such vile acts, degrade me, frustrate me to the point of aggressive, but not physically violent behaviour. I am in a hostile environment psychologically. I have started a work transition class, and have a GDL learner's permit from West Virginia. I'm a good person. My mom is incapable of taking care of me. She just seems to see me as a bother, and even worse, as my father. She has multiple reasons why she is incapable of taking care of me, per the rules on this site, I cannot divulge. I have a lot of things that are good. A lot of the time my life is good. But for every time I've spent smiling or laughing, there's been 3 times that I cried. My mom tortures me psychologically whether she realizes or not, and I can stand it no longer, especially with my grandfather and siblings. I have been physically abused by my father, but he is not the issue here. The environment I am in. I cannot live under. I fully comprehend the terms of what emancipation entails. The thought honestly scares me. Makes me want to cry. But not because I can't survive. Because my family has so incessantly drove me to this point. I need help. I believe that all things happen for a reason. I have mine. But I can't live with theirs. Please, someone tell me what I can do. What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?