"I AM ALWAYS LIABLE", you are a mean person, your a pompous idiot.
MY RESPONSE: Yes, I am. And thank you for noticing.
People are here to ask for help, not to be humiliated by those who are supposed to be helping.
MY RESPONSE: If I think some "humiliation" is in order, I'll give a hefty dose to those that need it.
Some refer to you as a lawyer, if you actually are, that scares me.
MY RESPONSE: Yes, I am. And, you should be scared. Very scared.
I want to go into law myself, and I would rather kill myself than be such an idiot as you.
MY RESPONSE: I'm glad you want to be a lawyer. But, don't worry - - in time you'll be just as jaded and just as much of an idiot as you "think" I am.
You, as a lawyer, especially on this medium, should not be so mean, so rude and so unhelpful.
MY RESPONSE: Ah, but I am helpful. Apparently, you have read all of my responses - - just a few, selected responses. That's not fair, is it Justin?
If your actually a lawyer, your one of the more knowledgeable people here and you should help, not hurt.
MY RESPONSE: Yes, I am a lawyer, and thank you for the compliment. However, my "style" is "in your face" if I think you're a dufus. Justin, I think you're a remarkable young person, and very articulate. You'll do just in life, after you get out of diapers.
MY RESPONSE: It's spelled "sincerely".
-Justin Peters
MY RESPONSE: Nice to have this talk with you, Justin.