Why do you have two threads going on?Switch said:I'm going to call a lawyer on Monday. This whole thing is crazy. yes, I do go to the grocery. No, I don't go dancing. I don't do anything for entertainment. I just sit at home everyday and do nothing.
I'm in pain and discomfort everyday. I've told the doctor about it. She says that I need to see another doctor about it. So I've been to another doctors and told them and they give me stress pills. They probably weren't even stress pills. It was more like sugar inside capsules. Placebos I think they are called.
I'm calling a lawyer. I have to try. The thing is. Lets say I do get a job. Guess what. I know the future. Yep. I'd place all the money I own on the fact that I won't last a year at that job. Whatever job it may be. Want to know why? I'll get an ear infection. Once I get the ear infection, guess how long it takes to get rid of it? A week ? No. Two weeks? No. A month? Ummm maybe. 3 months? Yeah. I'd definitely be gone after 3 months of constant medication. Do you think the boss at the job would let me take 3 months off work while I get better? Hell no. That's the primary reason I can't work. So how many of you would go to work for 3 months with an ear infection? None of you would. I know it.
I've never kept a job for more than 6 months. Ever. I'm 29. I'm getting a lawyer and I'm going to dedicate the next 10 years of my life to getting disability. I won't stop until I get it because I deserve it. I deserve it. The employers deserve. My parents deserve it. It's just not right for me to walk into a company and tell them that I'm perfectly healthy and then 3 months later I get sick and have to take 3 months off work. How is that fair to the company ? And how is this whole thing fair to me?