Junior Member
I'm an active duty Marine stationed in NC. My wife and I were married in early November in Arkansas. She became extremely abusive and apparently committed adultery multiple times. She's filed for divorce in Arkansas. She has a 3rd degree battery charge and I have "proof" that she's cheated on me to include messages from her flat out telling me she's cheated on me at least 5 times. I currently have a protective order in place against her. In the divorce decree she's demanding that I pay for her lawyer fees and for other debts she's accrued before we were married, of which is in only her name. We don't own anything in conjunction; her car is her name, mine in mine, her name is no longer on the lease of the house we were renting etc. However she's completely emptied the house into a storage locker. I have clothes and a mattress and that's it. I've been brought up in charges in the military due to her making false allegations. She's told everyone, even the neighbors, that the reason SHE'S leaving is because I've cheated on her and abandoned her, I left for 3 days after the last abuse incident, which couldn't be further from the truth. I pay her half of my BAH every month, $610, because the Corps forces me. She's had ALL my mail forwarded to her dads house in Arkansas. The lawyer I paid for already has been hospitalized and is continuing to be hospitalized for an unknowing amount of time so I'm getting no help there. I have no idea what to do or how to fight back or what I'm entitled to fight for. Having to pay the bills and the rent for this house by myself has left me high and dry now financially. Any help or advice someone can give me is more than appreciated. Thank you.