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informant status vs. arrest for drug possession

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I was handcuffed and taken to a local police station for possession of 14 grams of cocaine with the intent to solicate. I was asked several questions regarding where I bought the drugs and who I knew that was buying or selling drugs. I was not read my rights and was not booked. The detectives present told me that I had an option of going undercover to assist them in numerous drug busts as a buyer vs. going to jail or prison. They told me that as long as I agreed to comply there would be no arrest on my record. I now have to check in with a detective every morning to see if they will use me on that particular day to assist in a drug bust. I rarely receive a return call from the detective. And when I do, he tells me that we will make arrangements to complete additional paperwork and set up a bust at a later time. I continue to check in every morning by paging him for fear of arrest if I don't. Do I have to comply? Can I move to another state, or can a warrant be issued for my arrest. I do know that there is no arrest on record for this particular incident, but I did sign an affidaffit that I was guilty of possession. Please advise me on my rights......


Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nkisi:
I was handcuffed and taken to a local police station for possession of 14 grams of cocaine with the intent to solicate. I was asked several questions regarding where I bought the drugs and who I knew that was buying or selling drugs. I was not read my rights and was not booked. The detectives present told me that I had an option of going undercover to assist them in numerous drug busts as a buyer vs. going to jail or prison. They told me that as long as I agreed to comply there would be no arrest on my record. I now have to check in with a detective every morning to see if they will use me on that particular day to assist in a drug bust. I rarely receive a return call from the detective. And when I do, he tells me that we will make arrangements to complete additional paperwork and set up a bust at a later time. I continue to check in every morning by paging him for fear of arrest if I don't. Do I have to comply? Can I move to another state, or can a warrant be issued for my arrest. I do know that there is no arrest on record for this particular incident, but I did sign an affidaffit that I was guilty of possession. Please advise me on my rights......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My response:

Now you're asking about your rights? It's a little late for that, don't you think? You've already signed that you were "guilty" or admitted the crime. Once you do things without an attorney's advice, you've gone too far. Now, the detectives have you right where they want you, and there may be no end in sight. They can keep this hanging over your head, indefinately. Just recently, in California, a kid was killed when it was discovered, by his druggy friends, that he was an informant.

Get an attorney to review your "admission" and to make sure that your Constitutional Rights were not abridged or violated.

Good luck.


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Son of Slam

Senior Member
Just recently, in California, a kid was killed when it was discovered, by his druggy friends, that he was an informant.

Might as well mention that his girlfriend was raped.

Going soft on this druggy IAAL ?


Senior Member
IAAL, don't tell me, man?? Are you turning liberal on us!!
This guy admits to having 14 grams of cocaine and that he was selling.... now you are trying to give him defensive assistance.

Tell me it aint true, Bro!!!


Senior Member
IAAL giving objective legal advice without moral recriminations to some "open-sored, seething, crack-addicted, worthless piece of DNA"!?!?! My heart is aflutter, my loins are quivering. Okay, so the post is a revival from 3 years ago, but it reveals that buried deep down inside IAAL is a man with humanity and feelings, a bleeding-heart liberal yearning to be free. What arrows of outrageous fortune have rendered you so bitter, so cold, my sweetheart? How much longer can we keep your inner liberal and my inner conservative apart? I am dizzy with the possibilities and permutations. Oh, I'm a brunette, not a redhead, but we can't let hair - mine or yours if you have any - stand in the way of the attraction of our opposites.

Son of Slam

Senior Member
calatty said:
Oh, I'm a brunette, not a redhead, but we can't let hair - mine or yours if you have any - stand in the way of the attraction of our opposites.

Looks like IAAL may be on his way to a threesome!

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