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Insurance denies coverage

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Senior Member
Remember, I am royalty!!!

It is a violation of protocal to NOT capitalize my name!! And, it is Prince JETX, not JET!!

Damn, some people should be assigned lifetime hand-holders.



Still Learning


The word you want is protocol, with an "o," dear. Ask the queen to buy you a dictionary for Christmas.


Senior Member
I knew that. Fingers just got ahead of myself..... one of the hazards of being able to type at 100+!!

Still Learning

Fingers just got ahead of myself?

corrected grammar: My fingers just got ahead of ME.
The queen will have to buy you a grammar book, too.



Senior Member
"Fingers just got ahead of myself"
is correct.

So, how about you provide some support for your claim of it being incorrect. Or do you need a knew teacher??

Still Learning

fingers got ahead of myself

I are one.

The use of the first person reflexive pronoun requires an antecedent first person subject. The subject of your "sentence" is "fingers" - a third person plural noun; therefore the correct reflexive pronoun, if any, would be a third person plural reflexive pronoun "themselves, " as in "My fingers got ahead of themselves."

However, in the sense that you mean, that your fingers were typing faster than you are able to think, the appropriate pronoun would not be reflexive since the referent is not identical to the antecedent subject. Your fingers got ahead of YOU.

Furthermore, in terms of pragmatic semantics, you are wishing to emphasize the independence of your fingers from your mind, so the non-reflexive pronoun is definitely what you want. If you use a reflexive pronoun "myself", you are implying that your fingers and your mind are one and the same. Your intent is the opposite.

Therefore, the reflexive pronoun is wrong both syntactically and semantically.

Are you planning to become a lawyer when you grow up?


Senior Member
Further proof... once an ass, always an ass.

And whatever I am in life, I am at least smart enough to be able to read a credit card statement!!

Still Learning

You said it.

Further proof... once an ass, always an ass.

Couldn't have said it better myself! I guess I got you on that one.

And whatever I am in life, I am at least smart enough to be able to read a credit card statement!!

Do you have a credit card? Glad somebody besides yourself gives you credit for something, Prince Jet.



Boy you eddicated collij graduits are way too much for this dum ol' auctioneer:D
Anyway, it would be interesting to see how this plays out-the insurance situation-as I stated before, the timing of the thing strikes me as odd. Sure seems like those prior activities on the insurance should have generated an alert about the incomplete CC transaction BEFORE this humoungus claim landed on somebody's desk. I agree that you have to keep on top of these things, but maybe someone should be looking to see if this type of thing occurs very often at this insurance company?

Still Learning


I am reporting it to the Insurance Commission for investigation.

It will be interesting. I think it is a huge "coincidence" that it would be mine that they didn't process, since coincidentally I did have claims last year. They can't turn you down if you meet the group eligibility requirements, and we've satisfied the pre-existing conditions clause, too. Here's a way for them to get out of it. Waiting for a large claim to do it is even more interesting. After all, if they had told me in December that my mini-claim was denied, I'd have had a chance to remedy the situation by repaying. It is pretty stinky, as you say.

They are sending me a certified letter in which they state some things that can be proven false (for example that my card was denied, that they "tried to contact me" about it - I have the credit card company to back me up on the first one, and a phone record subpoena - it's a toll call - will catch the second one), and that will kill their credibility with the judge before they ever get to the questions about why they verified coverage on three separate occasions in 2003 if my coverage was canceled or not initiated in August 2002.

I might suggest to my attorney that he let their lies stand, though, for the following reasons.

I think they are cooking their own goose. If they wanted to claim that they just now discovered that, oops, they never processed the payment, I think nonpayment might stick in their favor. But by claiming that they did process it and it was denied and they knew that already back in August and despite that continued to verify coverage six months later, they've stuck themselves with responsibility for having misinformed me. They can no longer claim that they verified coverage in February because they "didn't know" that the premium wasn't collected. I wonder what their reason will be.

So they have willfully prevented me from attempting to repay or, for that matter, from seeking other coverage elsewhere. Ergo the fact that we are not covered right now with a huge hospital bill pending is directly attributable to their failure to inform, and they have screwed themselves out of their best reason for failing to inform, which would have been the "oops" excuse, that they didn't know it themselves. So let them lie and say my credit card was denied in August. They'll be having some 'splaining to do.

Or maybe it's true. As someone here suggested, maybe the CCC computer was down when they tried. I don't know.


It may be that the only scam going on here is the one being portrayed on all that read thru this mess.

Still Learning

Could you please explain?

CIAA said:
It may be that the only scam going on here is the one being portrayed on all that read thru this mess.
Could you please explain what you mean by that? I see that you sign yourself Consumer Insurance Advocates.

I am obviously being screwed, and I would have expected someone with your affiliation to have some experience to report that would help me figure out what to do. In your experience, is it common for a health insurer to wait six months and three claims before telling you they didn't collect your premium, and that's normal?

I'm just realizing now how lucky I have been all my life so far, with things working the way they're supposed to work and people behaving the way they're supposed to behave. This whole incident has thrown me off balance. I feel so naive, like a child among grownups. Everybody else seems to have this dark familiarity with evil. Everybody I know now has some kind of horror story that I wish I didn't have to hear. What happened to kindness and honesty and decency?

I wish I didn't need a lawyer. I would hate to be one! Being around so many scumbags and people screwing each other can't be good for the soul. People wonder how I stand it working with handicapped kids, how sad it is, I guess, but I'll take the heartache of their innocence over daily confrontations with iniquity any day of the week. I think this has been the worst week of my life, not just the events of the case, but the people I've had to talk to and the things people talk about when I tell them about this are so weird and repulsive.

maybe i just need more sleep....


Senior Member
IMHO, this thread has gone on far, FAR too long for such a very minor problem.... and one that you very clearly brought on yourself.

You are obviously NEVER going to be satisfied with ANY response on this forum.

So, do us all a favor, go see the lawyer that you have already said you talked with, do what they say, and see what happens.

Best of luck in the future...

Signed, Prince JETX

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