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internet porn charges

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Junior Member
Ok -- i'm not sure this is the right forum but here goes --- i live in tennessee and i received my phone bill which has two phone calls on it to a country called Vanautu -- calls total 235 dollars for 31 minutes total time --- i call A T & T who charged me for the calls, even though MCI is my long distance carrier, and A T & T says charges were for Adult Entertainment sites dialed up direct from my computer --- I have two teen age sons who both deny doing this ( although I seriously doubt that they would admit it if they did) Nonetheless , even if they did do this -- is it legal to charge this to my phone bill without my consent????? If i am posting this on the wrong forum please advise, and i apologize in advance for my ignorance.


Senior Member
Regretfully, these charges are probably legit, though AT&T will remove them if you scream loud enough at them.

Here is how this works:
One of your son's probably clicked on a 'free' adult site, no credit card needed. What happens is, the website either does a 'direct' transfer, or does a 'log-off-on' and redials itself using their international area code. This then generates a huge per-minute charge on your long distance bill.

What you need to do is contact the phone company and demand that they charge the calls back to the company. This 'long-distance' bounce is a common complaint that they hear.

BTW, Vanautu is an island country in the South Pacific.

Steve Halket
Judgment Recovery of Houston
[email protected]
This is my PERSONAL OPINION and is not legal advice! Consult your local attorney for your specific situation and laws!

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