Obvious Observer
Your options: get some counselling. You need to determine whether you should stay with this man or not. Staying merely out of fear does not sound healthy, and is not good role modelling for your daughter.what if the scenario was worse what if someone kidnapped my daughter or they keep that my daughter and I was never able to find her because an airline allowed my daughter to be on a flight without identification. I am very upset with my fiance even more with his mother as she should have more common sense because she is a mother as well as a nurse. I am still with my fiance because I am now afraid of him being spiteful if I was to break up with him and risk the chance of me not seeing my daughter. Someone please tell me what are my options I can no longer be lied to and no longer worried about if my daughter will be kidnapped. What are my options against him and her? What are my options against the airline?
If you starting to contemplate breaking up with your daughter's father, get an initial consult with a lawyer with experience in family law. Look up local resources to get a better idea of what sort of parenting plans are common in your are. Understand what a court order for custody and visitation is, and what to do to enforce it, if the other parent withholds court ordered parenting time.
If you understand your rights as a parent to have relationship with your child, and understand what the court considers to be the best interest of the child, you will be in a better position to understand your legal options, and less fearful that you will just be bullied out of your child's life.