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Is it Fraud if Yahoo deletes likes & comments they don't agree with Without a Warning Label underneath their Comments Section

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There is nothing wrong on THIS forum with responding to a post with “LOL.” Yahoo is the site that apparently, according to you, has a problem with it.

This thread is subject to locking by the moderator sometime soon, by the way, so I hope you learned from our earlier posts what you wanted to know (i.e., that what Yahoo did is not fraud). These later posts are mostly just us messing around. :)
What people say on ths forum which I haven't used in a while does influence my thinking to a degree. IE, I just canceled my domain registratin of two famous persons non-unique first names together because I understood their points. It was not worth my whille laking a chance to disregard what they said because the minuses outweighed the pluses.

In the case of Yahoo that is more a philosophical question because I do not have the funds to take on a larger entity. I am surprised that the site feels an entity is entitled to decieve a person by not knowlingly telling the truth such as a business supported by advertisers slanting a comments section so it does not reflect all comments submitted truthfully.


Senior Member
What people say on ths forum which I haven't used in a while does influence my thinking to a degree. IE, I just canceled my domain registratin of two famous persons non-unique first names together because I understood their points. It was not worth my whille laking a chance to disregard what they said because the minuses outweighed the pluses.

In the case of Yahoo that is more a philosophical question because I do not have the funds to take on a larger entity. I am surprised that the site feels an entity is entitled to decieve a person by not knowlingly telling the truth such as a business supported by advertisers slanting a comments section so it does not reflect all comments submitted truthfully.
There is a LOT of misinformation online and on cable tv and on network tv and at political rallies and spouted by friends and acquaintances. You should ALWAYS verify what you read or hear.

Although I personally know very well the forum member who responded to your domain name question ;) and I know what was said is true, you should not rely on the information that was provided you by an internet stranger. You should always seek out legal advice from an attorney licensed to practice in your own jurisdiction who can personally review all facts and advise you accordingly.


Senior Member, Non-Attorney
When I made my post, I didn't notice that there had already been (nearly) three pages of posts. I missed it.
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