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is it too late?

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my husband died a little over three years ago. he was taking a flu medication that probably should not have been prescribed with his history of seizure disorder. at the time i didn't want to deal with it because i had just given birth 2 days prior to his death. now that i have had time to think about it , i think that the medication was a serious factor in his death. is it too late or is it still possible to take legal action??


Senior Member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, Verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by doogie:
this happened in MISSOURI<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My response:

I am so very sorry for your loss. What a terrible, sad, thing to happen to you and your baby.

I need to know whom you believe is liable, and why. Examples: Doctor, pharmacy, drug manufacturer, etc.

Also, could you please tell me the name of the drug? What other drugs was he taking (prescribed, over the counter, and/or elicit). Did he have any known allergies?
What was the drug used for? Any other specific information?

Additionally, I need to know when you became suspicious or aware that it was, in fact, the drug that caused his death, and in what manner or information did you learn that it was the drug.


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[This message has been edited by I AM ALWAYS LIABLE (edited March 24, 2000).]


I believe the doctor and possibly the pharmacy were at fault. He was taking a medication (Dilantin) to control seizures when the doctor prescribed Flumadine for the flu. The medication is known to cause seizures. I didn't learn of this until about a year after his death when my mom mentioned it. I just began researching the medication recently when I came across the prescription bottle. No one mentioned the possible side affects. He suffered a seizure while taking a bath. He drown as a result of the seizure. He was on no other medications. This was not his regular doctor. I asked my husband if he had told the doctor he had a history of seizures and he said that he did.

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