Thank you JPreston for answering my question.
The question was whether the judge would listen to our 15 yo daughters wishes.
Which is the question I answered. You may not like the answer, but there it is. The judge is going to want to know why she is choosing homeschooling.
Getting on the bus at 6:30 in the morning is not reasonable.
You need to get out more. Lots of kids get on the bus in the wee hours of the morning. Because of changing demographics, more and more children have longer rides.
You said:
She wants to homeschool...
But really:
The #2 reason for homeschooling is that we DO NOT want our daughter socialized in same age peer groups. Despite the common perception that this is necessary and good, our experience, as well as research, indicates that it is detrimental. Our children have real-life socialization with children and adults of all ages and backgrounds.
WE? OUR? I thought Dad wanted her in private school? Yeah, I know who "we" are.
My dd prefers to spend time with wise and realistic adults than boy-obsessed adolescent girls.
And how, at her tender age, is she expected to differentiate "wise and realistic adults" from run of the mill idiots (who, in my experience, are the majority)?
Spending time with kids her own age is how she learns and grows, in an environment of peers (peers aren't all bad you know). It is actually a very important step in development.