Done that. Also went to the board of education. Can't seem to get the point across that if anything bad had happened to my son while he was unattended this situation would be far worse.
Suing for what MIGHT have happened is not going to fly. If that were the case, could YOU ever leave your son at home alone? After all, he MIGHT get kidnapped ... or burned in an accident with the stove ... or climb on the roof and fall off ... get the point?
Had he actually been harmed, then MAYBE you might have had a case. But, in most instances a 16 year old is going to be seen as having sufficient common sense to take care of himself in this circumstance. We are not talking about a 5-year-old.
If he is of sufficient mental capacity to take care of himself to, from, and at school, then he is capable of taking care of himself at a football game.
Just trying to prevent it from happening again. What do I say to wake the administration up that they are responsible when I entrust them with my son during these school activities?
What did you expect the instructor to do? Cancel the performance because he was going to have to babysit your 16-year-old son?? Sorry, that is not reasonable. Your son was being disrespectful and insolent, and he COULD have found himself suspended or expelled for his actions. If he was only banned from the field for the game, then he should consider himself fortunate.
Had this been a band class while AT school (during the regular school day) I might feel that the school had some greater responsibility. But since this was apparently a game after school, I don't think they had any extended responsibility once your son decided to be insolent.
If you feel you are no getting the response you wish from the school administration, you may go to the superintendent or to the school board. However, you might consider the possibility that doing so COULD result in someone realizing that your son's actions likely violated policy and SHOULD have resulted in suspension or expulsion.
I hope that you have spoken to your son about showing respect to his teachers, and explaining that his actions were wrong.
- Carl