Junior Member
Stealth2 ?
zerocookie said:there is a difference between being fluent and understanding. let's assume you took French in high school. If I say "je t'aime", you will probably understand " I love you" . If I say " je trouve que l'utilisation d'une aile volante dans la perspective d'ameliorer les conditions dans lesquelles un vol de longue duree est effectue n'est pas la meilleure des solutions"...
MY RESPONSE: You said in French, "I find that the use of a hang-glider with a view to to improve the conditions under which a flight of long east duration carries out is not best solution."
it would be a little bit more complicated to understand and would require you to be probably FLUENT. Do you understand clearly without any doubt all the information carried in this sentence without using a dictionary, spending time translating, using a translator, pay for his services? that there would be no mistake about the idea carried in this sentence??
MY RESPONSE: Got a problem with translations? Use this: (Copy and paste this link into your browser without the on each side) I doubt it.... MY RESPONSE: I don't. Please tell me what is the official language in California?..If there is none, please let me know...I am curious..just for my information MY RESPONSE: There is NO "official language" in California, or in the United States. It is merely "accepted" that the majority of us speak English. It has to do with the Mayflower, or something like that. IAAL
zerocookie said:To I AM ALWAYS LIABLE
Also what about the "official language"? (California Constitution, article 3, section 6 (b) an attorney you should back up your claims before writting that there is no official language in California
zerocookie said:Do you think that conveying information about child health, child school, child custody is not legal in nature?
Sorry, playing catch up. I'm not a lawyer, never claimed to be. SO I'll defer to IAAL on the legalities.zerocookie said:Stealth2 ?