Junior Member
What is the name of your state? ohio I just got a letter from an attorney I used a few years ago in a custody battle to keep my boys (I got to keep both boys then, but the oldest turned 15 and decided to live with his mom after we came to an agreement without court, the 12 year old still lives with me). I recently sent her a letter telling her I demanded my son come visit me when he was suppose to since he wasn't coming out very often at all. She went to her attorney and wants my 15 year old to not come out if he has something else going on since transportation and froiends are an issue!?! I never said anything about tranportation and have told them both I will take him to any school functions, if we don't have plans here, he can have a friend over, etc.. My question is this....Do I have to pay my attorney to send a response to this letter or can I write one to her attorney?? If it comes down to a contempt charge, do I have the right to ask for reimbursement for what I have to spend? If I have to pay I will to see my son when he is suppose to be here I will, but I would rather avoid legal cost when I feel there should not be an issue.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your time.