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Libel and Defamation in group email

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Senior Member
Do you have any dealings with these people outside of the alumnai forum or college reunions?

Much is being left out concerning why this small group of people are dedicating their lives to exclude you from the yearly college reunion. What year did you graduate?


stephenk said:
Do you have any dealings with these people outside of the alumnai forum or college reunions?
Not in person...
None of the conspiracy group live in my same state (TX). However, about 4 or 5 times throughout the past couple years, I have received hate email from one or another of them containing false allegations about me and (CC:) copying anywhere from two to five others of their group. I do not see any of them in person except for at the annual reunions.

stephenk said:
Much is being left out concerning why this small group of people are dedicating their lives to exclude you from the yearly college reunion. What year did you graduate?
This small group of people is dedicating their lives to exclude me from the annual reunions because they are being led by a scornful woman who has a vicious grudge against me. At one time, years ago, she and I were very good online friends. She started making sexual advances towards me via instant messaging, emails, and cell phone calls. During a phone conversation in October 2002, she invited me to be her guest at the reunion scheduled for summer 2003. From the context of that phone conversation and previous communications, it was clear to me that she was planning for a rendezvous affair. At that time, I was already routinely seeing a marraige counselor and taking anti-depressants to cope with a miserable home situation and her offer seemed to be just what the doctor ordered. The rest of year 2002 was filled with some rather sexually explicit online communications. In January 2003, I believe that she had a change of heart, and decided that it wasn't such a good idea to be having a rendezvous affair during the reunion. When I spoke with her in January 2003, she told me that she wasn't planning to go to the reunion. At the time, I believed her story because she had lost her job and was looking for new employment. It was reasonable for me to assume that she wouldn't be able to attend a summer reunion due to cost considerations or due to new employee vacation constraints. In retrospect, I now believe she was trying to back out of her previous offer for a rendezvous and didn't want to admit it. Her covert plans backfired when I went ahead and registered for the 2003 reunion anyways. I mentioned on three different online alumni forums that I wanted to party and talk to people at the reunion. Apparently she was still planning on attending the reunion, but didn't want me to be there talking with anyone that she knew. In order to achieve this goal, she executed a plan consisting of the following steps:

1. She first sent me a coercive email falsely accusing me of harassing and stalking, and told me that everyone knows whats going on, and that she was going to alert the alumni board of directors about my plans at the reunion. Without her stating explicitly what she was talking about, I felt that there was only one thing she could possibly be talking about that had suitable power to use for blackmail or coercion. i.e. my nudie pix that she told me she wanted in Nov. 2002, and thanked me for them upon receipt... as documented in an email she had sent me. In reality, I had phoned her only twice in the previous four months, and both of those calls pertained only to forum maintenance issues. In reality, I did not use instant messaging to communicate with her in the previous four months, because she put a block on my file handle. In reality, the only email communications we had during the previous four months consisted of human interest or humor email that was sent out to our private distribution lists which included each other among several other persons.
2. She then conducted a hostile takeover of the alumni forum which I founded and had made her a co-owner several months earlier. Forum co-owners have authority to delete other co-owners, whereas general members do not. I heard rumor that she then told everyone on my forum that I deleted my own membership from my own forum out of shame. She also proceeded to engage in my character assassination, because I was no longer there to defend myself. It wasn't until four months later that anyone (other than I) knew that she, in fact, had been the person who deleted my forum membership... because Yahoo stores that information in a data base, which only forum moderators and co-owners can access.
3. I sent her a heart-felt apology email stating that I had no idea what I could have done to offend her, and that my responses to her solicitations would not have occurred if she wasn't soliciting in the first place, and if my marraige wasn't so miserable at the time. She then forwarded my email of apology to the rest of the forum so as to imply "I told you so". I considered that action a breach of my right to privacy.
4. Then she contacted the alumni board of directors to try to get my reunion registration revoked, which did not occur. To their credit, the alumni board of directors felt this was a private matter and saw NO evidence presented to indicate any criminal activity on my part.

She told many people many lies about me in order to create her hoax of harassment or stalking, yet she has NO evidence to substantiate any of her allegations. I beleive this is why she is asking her friends (civil conspiracy) to help her manufacture evidence (libel) against me. If the alumni board of directors hears enough false statements about me, they may eventually think that some of these false statements could be true. I see no reason for these people to stop libelling me, as their eventual goal is to get me blacklisted from attending future reunions. After the reunions in 2003 and 2004, I heard vicious rumors that I had sexual liaisons in my hotel room, which I know is false. I possess far too much evidence for them to take me to court (and WIN) on any bogus harassment or stalking charge, and I need more evidence to WIN a libel case quickly and decisively with minimal emotional upheaval. I do believe that I possess sufficient evidence to substantiate my charge of coercion against the conspiracy ring-leader. Is this monologue too much info ? I think I need to save all this for use as courtroom testimony.

Sorry to be so verbose.... I was on a roll.

In the meantime, my marraige is now happier and stronger than it had ever been before. However, I'm still taking anti-depressants to cope with the periodic hate mail libel I get from the alumni conspiracy against me.


Senior Member
you are feeding the addiction of attention this woman wants.

if you are so happy in your marriage, you need to make the decision to exclude yourself from these alumni groups. Move on with your life. What happiness are you receiving in going to the reunions knowing some people are spreading lies about you at the event?

If you have close friends from college, stay in touch with them outside of the reunions or alumni forums. your true friends know who you really are. the ones that believe this woman and her friends were never really true friends, right?


Junior Member
meganproser said:
IAnother thing that may affect any action you bring is that by discussing these false allegations yourself in a public forum, you may be said to have contributory negligence regarding damage to your rep. In other words, you are to blame for some of the publicity these allegations have received. This is not a major concern but it is probably something the defense will bring up.
So noted.

Amazing what a thread can evolve into when the only person talking about the problem is the person initiating the thread. Kind of sad to make it look like a group of people is dedicating their lives to wronging one when they have done quite the opposite to forget about him.

Tell, us, Tom, what was the outcome of your attempt to deal with me legally February 2005 in this matter? I certainly haven't heard back from your attorney after writing to him with what I had to say in the matter. Was his conclusion the same as mine? You have no case because you have no evidence because nothing happened in regard to my alleged actions? I see you convieniently left out history prior to my allegedly hostile letter to you (cc'd to the others in the group, no bcc, to keep us all on the same page with your actions and my replies). You know, the history where I consoled you and tried to help you along with this issue of the "ring leader" and trying to convinve you to move on with your life? The fact that I finally told you where to put it in that letter because I'd had enough of you harping on the same issue over and over and ignoring my kind advice to move on with life? Yup, you left that out of this thread. Sure did. Then again, learning things was certainly already brought up in this thread.

You know, there's no conspiracy against you. You've been let back into the same official forum of alumni (you leave out that you and the ring leader were both equally booted from there some time back...kind of like me sending all my children to their rooms when arguments break out). And you've proven since your return, quite well on your own, that you can hack people off enough to get yourself ostracized. Let's see, one poster thought one of your posts was sexist, another agreed, and yet a third thought another of your posts was the sickest post he'd seen anywhere in any forum. Didn't need my help on that, did you? And frankly, none of us in the small group of people you call conspirators dislike you for the ring leader's reasons. We all have our own.

None of us are dedicated to making your life hell or defaming you. None of us even talk about you until you resurface in one way or another. Hell, we barely even talk to each other at all anymore, and certainly wouldn't waste what little time we have on unsavory subjects. We simply want nothing to do with you. You prevent that when you have your attorney contact me in 2005 and have another attorney contact the "ring leader" this week. There is, and always has been, only one person dedicated to any of this ridiculous affair. SOL aside (damn, this happened a long time ago, didn't it?), you have nothing to base your allegations upon for two reasons: 1) you were booted from the small private forum and, therefore, had no access to anything you allege was said about you; 2) nobody said anything in that forum, or any others, defamatory about you. Doesn't exist, never did.

Sorry to resurect an old thread. No sense in debating this in a silly manner here, but there's certainly always another side or two to an issue, isn't there? Tom was correct about one thing in this thread. Ignoring the problem will not make it go away. The alumni board has not learned that yet, but the small group of us who've had enough certainly have learned that lesson. Amazing the things one can find on the internet when researching for knowledge to counter you, Tom.

The alleged hostile letter writer.
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Junior Member
You are correct, Shay. I posted in bad taste and etiquete. I guess I've had more than enough of this cropping up every year and should've held my tongue. I apologize.


Senior Member
QweziRider said:
You are correct, Shay. I posted in bad taste and etiquete. I guess I've had more than enough of this cropping up every year and should've held my tongue. I apologize.

I'm sorry this is still going on for you, but it did seem weard. So you are the person the origional poster was talking about?

I hope everything is settled for you.


Junior Member
Yes, I am the very one to whom Tom referred. His efforts last February against me appear to have gone nowhere and just this week the other principal target has received a letter from another attorney of his. So just when most of us think it's over, it starts all over again. Makes me wonder why when it appears clear all SOL have expired.

I guess it all does raise a new question to me along the same lines. What kind of libel does an attorney open themselves to when the letter they send for their client contains text along the lines of "you did this" and "you did that" rather than "based upon evidence supplied by my client, it appears you did such-and-such" or "my client alleges you did such-and-such". If truth is not on the side of what the attorney claimed, can that be libelous as well?

Not that I'm the target this time. My conscience is clear.

Again, my apologies for reviving an old thread.
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Senior Member
QweziRider said:
Yes, I am the very one to whom Tom referred. His efforts last February against me appear to have gone nowhere and just this week the other principal target has received a letter from another attorney of his. So just when most of us think it's over, it starts all over again. Makes me wonder why when it appears clear all SOL have expired.

I guess it all does raise a new question to me along the same lines. What kind of libel does an attorney open themselves to when the letter they send for their client contains text along the lines of "you did this" and "you did that" rather than "based upon evidence supplied by my client, it appears you did such-and-such" or "my client alleges you did such-and-such". If truth is not on the side of what the attorney claimed, can that be libelous as well?

Not that I'm the target this time. My conscience is clear.

Again, my apologies for reviving an old thread.[

I have to agree, this does not sound like lawyer talk. I don't have time to weed through this, but what I suggest is linking this old post into a new thread, and ask away.

Lately there have been alot of lawyers on this forum.
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