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a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
When those who register to become members of a site agree to follow the terms and conditions of use for a site, a forum can be a great place to meet and exchange opinions on a particular issue.
FreeAdvice is not, however, a
discussion or
chat forum. It is designed instead as a place to assist visitors with their own personal
current real life legal concerns.
Each thread that is created by a poster belongs to that poster - and members can offer that poster relevant state-specific legal information and advice and help guide them to local legal assistance when warranted.
Most of the rules that govern this forum are spelled out in the Terms and Conditions, however some
unwritten rules have developed over the years to help the forum run smoothly.
One unwritten rule is to not add advice or information or questions to another poster’s old thread. Because of the volume of visitors to this site, an old thread is often considered one where there has been no new response from the original poster for at least a month. The old threads are left open only so the original poster can return at a later time with updates.
If you are interested in learning how a poster’s situation has turned out, and they have not been on the forum for a long time, you can try to send them a private message. They may or may not respond. Oftentimes once a poster’s legal issue has been resolved, they “move along” with their life and forget all about this forum. That is probably healthy.
If you have your own questions, please start your own thread. Thank you.