Wow.. so glad I came here for advice. Sheesh! I do not care so much about getting it increased as I do him taking her every single weekend. I DO want him to pay what he is suppose to though.. if it's less.. whatever.. more? great. If I care sooo much about getting every buck I can out of him I would have done it in 2005 when he got the higher paying job.. I mean.. it's been 4 years now? I am not about getting every dollar from him.
This isen't even an issue now. He already called this afternoon.. he magically was able to take care of everything for his car (as I knew he could all it took was for him to actually TRY and figure it out) and says he will pay. If he doesn't then I will go from there. We are actually very corgile with eachother and I help him out in many ways when it comes to our daughter. I supply all clothes.. even when he has her.. I supplied furniture for him to have at HIS house for her.. bedding, etc. I also pay for her insurance (her dad does pay part of it) and I even give him gas money since we moved and it's a longer trip for him.
I am not sure why the heck everyone is jumping all over me.. and yeah, sure.. this post seems very about what I want.. but ummm.. excuse me for not giving a crap about him when he is throwing threats my way.