Hi all,
Lowes store filed a claim for me and I have a claim number. Will have a claim examiner assigned by Tuesday/Wednesday it seems. So that raises another question, which I would like some advice with. The restoration company started working yesterday (friday) and should be done drying the floors by Monday. Then the next step is having their contractor re-do our damaged floor. The question is the following:
Should we wait until the claims examiner sends an adjuster (or whoever) to assess the repair before starting the re-build of our floor? My family wants things started as quickly as possible, but I don't want to shoot ourselves on the foot either. Any advice is welcome. At this point we have written quotes for both the drying and the repair. Granted, the final price may vary if they had to do anything additional.
Also, would this incident and repair show up in future CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) report? We are paying out of pocket and expecting Lowes to pay us back.
Lastly, can you claim any depreciation $ on the house? or would this claim be limited to just the repair?