New member
I consigned two luxury handbags with an online boutique. They sold my bags in November and I received notice from their attorney that they are filing chapter 7 this week. They owe me about $7500. They sold my bag fraudulently bc the bags were sold only a few weeks ago and they knew they were going under at that time. They did this to a large number of other consumers. A few questions:
1. Do I need to file anything with the court?
2. Can I sue the owner personally? Since the business is in chapter 7, I’d like to recoup any funds I can through a fraud lawsuit against the business owner herself.
3. How long will it take to go through bankruptcy court and I find out what, if any repayment I’ll be receiving.
1. Do I need to file anything with the court?
2. Can I sue the owner personally? Since the business is in chapter 7, I’d like to recoup any funds I can through a fraud lawsuit against the business owner herself.
3. How long will it take to go through bankruptcy court and I find out what, if any repayment I’ll be receiving.