Thank you for this information. He was suspended from the football program due only to this police report. He has met all MSHAA requirements for re-instatement but "school policy" states, to the effect, 365 day suspension for possesion of alcohol. We have a lawyer that eliminated the Minor in Possesion ticket but is unclear (or at least unclear with us) on the release of the police report to the school.
We have appealed the schools decision but they state that due only to the police report, he is ineligible.
Again, I appreciate any helpful information.
I suspected as much, and I searched as best I could in the MO statutes, but if it is anything like ours, these regulations are found in unlikely places.
You have two issues here - the release of juvenile records to a party, and public records regulations. By law, the school might very well be an authorized party since the students attend school there. This is arguable. Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely that the police would be able to release a report naming juvenile suspects to a private party, but the schools may be an exception to that.
We have had the same thing happen out here, but the schools tend to be included in that loop and kids that engage in criminal conduct off campus and away from school can lose access to extra curricular activities. I won't go into the reasons why this is a GOOD policy (IMO), but it is a common one here and, I suspect, most other states.
If the attorney is unable to determine this for certain, then it may be buried deep within the statutes. On the other hand, the complaint you might have would be with the police for releasing the information, not the school for having possession of it. If anything, it is a violation of some regulation for the police to release it - not likely a violation for the school to possess it. In such an instance, the end result would likely be the same and your son would be off the team for his conduct.
As a father of teenage sons and foster parent to others (with two of four boys on the high school football team), I can say definitively that if my boy(s) were caught drinking at some party he would likely be off the team whether the school wanted him off or not. But, that's me.
I'm curious ... How did they get the MIP dropped? Or, did he have to agree to some form of diversion to avoid any penalties?