I don't recall your custody status at the present time. If you have sole legal, you could probably make an issue of it, but what's the point?
We have joint legal custody
In any event, the court is not likely to get involved. There is a pretty strong precedent that the court will not interfere with baptism when requested by one parent. Most churches will do it with a single parent's permission.
The silliest thing about the entire issue is saying 'the child wanted it'. IIRC, the child is 9 - hardly an age to be making important life decisions.
I agree
Since you stated you have SOME type of legal custody, you could bring this up as an example of ex being unwilling to discuss custodial matters with you and use it to request sole legal. Combined with everything else, it might be a reasonable argument, but not a sure winner by any means.
That's why it is brought up to use it as an example along with all the other things.
Mediator is right. If the child IS uncomfortable with both of you being there, that's too bad. You're a chaperone for the school trip and are entitled to do that. Now, if it's during Dad's parenting time and Dad wants to do something, he's free to do that, but doing it because of SM's discomfort isn't going to fly. Do you have a transcript of the mediator's report where Dad said it was because of SM?
Child is not uncomfortable with us both there, they are. Mediator said he needs to make it common place, to go outside of his box his comfort zone for the child's sake. I don't have the mediator's report, just her recommendations.
I've suggested it before, but you should really have an attorney. You might win this, but then again, you could lose - even when the facts are all in your favor.