Senior Member
Its ok...we understand. However, you do have to understand as well that this was not something that required a trip to the emergency room.Cool responses. They'll help me A LOT in the future to prevent this from happening again.
I re-read my post, and I need to clarify something here really quick.
I didn't take her to the ER right away because I figured mom had. I didn't receive any word about it, and she didn't answer when I called that night to see what transpired between the time I asked her to take her to the ER and when I picked her up.
Taking her to the pediatrician was just my own follow-up if you will. It was after I had taken her that I learned Mom lied about taking her to the ER. It was during the phone call when I was letting her know what the pediatrician said to me about the discharge all of these things were disclosed. Had I known that she had not taken her, I'd have quickly made a trip to the ER. I do see your point though, about it turning out to not being as much an emergency as I had thought. My reaction is based purely on the habit of lying mom has when it comes to our daughter and her health.
You go to the emergency room when there is serious blood, a broken bone, a fever that is very high and not responding to medication...in other words, something life threatening or honestly must be treated immediately.
You might go to an after hours, walk in clinic if the child is sick enough that you think you can't get into a doctor fast enough to give her needed relief, or might need a stitch or two.
Other than that, you take the child to their regular doctor, as soon as you can get them in.
You are assuming that mom didn't want to take her to the ER because of the past issues regarding her boyfriend. However its also quite possible that mom simply realized it wasn't necessary. After all, mom did inform you so mom wasn't trying to hide anything from you. Someone also mentioned that it was Christmas Eve? If that's the case, mom probably also didn't want the kid to have to spend Christmas Eve in the emergency room.