I will be addressing the contact numbers issue on the contempt paperwork. My son's birthday was earlier this week and I still have not spoken to him, but did get a return call from his grandfather who left me a message on my voice mail saying the kids were there and were all fine and that they were not home ???? I am frustrated and discouraged. I tried calling today again and still no answer and no response...I feel like my children have been so alienated from me, they probably DON'T want to speak with me.rmet4nzkx said:Make sure the issue of contact numbers and the ability to communicate with your children is clarified in your contempt motions and any future modifications.
Hopefully you will have some mail and also the papers from your attorney tonight so you will know what all has transpired.
You will have to wait until the therapist returns in 10 days.
Check the online access for proof of service filed.
The therapist gets back next Wed. and I plan on calling her right away to request again everything I originally requested on July 11th.
I received a package in the mail from my attorney, but to my surprise, the only thing he sent me was all the forms I ever sent to him. his office never did any of my paperwork...I completed them all and sent it to them, to save me some money...they served my ex once for me, and supposedly communicated with her trying to help me out??? I will post tomorrow what the agreeement stated...I am confused.
I also heard from the dentist today through the mail, but the only thing I received was a statement titled SINGLE FAMILY LEDGER, dated 8/9/05. All this shows is that my children had services rendered 3/22/05, 3/29/05 and 4/12/05. The total costs $2276.40 and it shows that my insurance company has paid $2176.40, my ex's insurance paid $100 toward only one of our children's claims, leaving a balance of $52.60. What alarmed me was that an additional $66.22 was noted on this ledger with MY name listed as patient and the description dated 7/1/05 and 8/1/05 as FINANCE CHARGES. I couldnt' believe my eyes! I then noticed at the top of the ledger it has MY name and my ex's home address! Her name is nowhere on this bill. I never knew the children had any services rendered until she emailed me in reply to my questions about the kids saying that "the boys went to the dentist right before the hearing (july 1st) and our insurance companies are fighting over who will pay..." The boys went to the dentist 4 MONTHS before the hearing! I believe that my ex took the children in, and put my name on all of the paperwork! Is that legal!? Can she put my name as the responsible party and note HER address as mine (of course so I wouldn't get the actual bills or statements) and sign for services to be rendered to our children with her name nowhere?! I was furious and immediately emailed the dentist office telling them I will not be paying finance charges for a claim I never knew of nor ever received a bill. I also asked that they furnish proof of my authorization of services. Do I have any right to ask for this? Or, am I just screwed as usual because of my ex? please help. Her insurance company was listed on it so I don't have to beg her for it. Anyway, just frustrated...sorry for unloading.