No, the police in TX cannot generally force you to return home (an error in the law that some are trying to correct). But, since your parents are legally responsible for you until age 18 you cannot simply move out and expect them to pay your bills or ask the state of TX to pay for an unemancipated minor.
Now, if you intend to try and live with someone, it might even be possible to prosecute the people providing you assistance as it enables you to remain out of the control of your parents.
When you turn 18 you can leave home, apply for welfare, and do whatever you want. Hopefully, you will not get welfare since you will ostensibly be a capable adult and able to work for a living. You can apply for student loans, grants, or other aid if you intend to continue school, but this will depend a great deal on your parents' income as well. If they are destitute, then you might get school paid for, but whether you will also get enough "free" money to pay for room and board is questionable. Few of us have the opportunity sit on our butts and attend school if we are not living at home with mom and dad. Many of us here went to college (and grad school) while working full time and even supporting a family. Struggle will build character. Try it ... you need some.